To the editor: Saving Yosemite Firehouse can spur Chester economy
The Chester Telegraph | May 16, 2016 | Comments 2
I was happy to take part in this meeting at the Yosemite Firehouse in Chester on Friday.
If this process makes ownership clear I think without question the town should move forward to acquire it. This is an opportunity not only to own the historic building but to to see if we can really come up with a working plan and create something significant for the future of Chester.
I have talked with a few people about turning the building into a glass blowing shop. I would like to see more arts and culture in our town.
I think the firehouse would be an amazing structure to house such a venture. I am sure there are other ideas as well. I think we all can agree having the building pay its own way once restored is important.
It’s time we sink our teeth into something significant that will help our economy, history, identity moving forward. So much money is spent on the Fire Department, maintenance and infrastructure we really need to put some money and effort toward our economy.
Between Jan. 1 and April 15, I sold one art object to someone living within 15 miles of Chester and gave out $750 in charitable donations. That is what I call a trade deficit. With the tough local economy my business is dependent on tourism more than ever and for me to want to stay here there has to be more things drawing people to our town. I keep saying we need to be a destination as much as a pass-through especially when the weather does not support skiing and snowmobiling such as we had this past winter.
A quaint arts town could actually help the ski areas. I wish we would have hit up Dollar General and Jiffy Mart for help with this deal. They certainly did not take us out to dinner for what they are doing to our lost charm. The fire house has a lot of charm. Let’ not screw this up.
Barre Pinske
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
About the Author:
Help Save the Yosemite Firehouse! Petitions are circulating around town so residents can show their support to have Chester save Yosemite Firehouse. DaVallia Art & Accents will have a petition that you can sign to show the Chester Select Board your support. DEADLINE is Wednesday, June 1. Please help save a part of Chester’s history and charm.
PS. Thanks Barre for your words of wisdom. “Let’s not screw this up.”
I love this idea!!!!! Great thinking Barre
You have my total support ?