Archive for June, 2016

RVTC recognizes students with awards, scholarships;
30 at RVTC earn dependability award
The River Valley Technical Center honored students at its End of the Year Celebration on Wednesday, June 1. Students, parents and guests were treated to an outdoor barbecue followed by the awards ceremony in the Springfield High School auditorium. Each year, one student is recognized with the Director’s Award, given to the student who best […]

Springfield family organization receives $53,000 grant
Vermont Birth to Five has awarded a $53,000 grant to the Springfield Area Parent Child Center through the Expanding Strengthening Families to Family Child Care Project. This project, now in its second of three years, is designed to increase the positive impact that family child care providers can make in the lives of the children […]

College News
Kuniko C. Hunter of Chester has graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. Two degrees were conferred on Hunter during Rensselaer’s 210th commencement on May 28. She received a dual major Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering with a biometrics concentration from the Rensselaer School of Engineering and of Science in Design, Society and […]

To the editor: Thanks to those who planted flowers at Family Center
To those who so nicely beautified the Cheater-Andover Family Center area with the amazing flowers: What a wonderful entrance to Chester your flowers make and how they cheer those of us who spend so much time at the Thrift Shop and Food Shelf. Thank you seems so insignificant for such a delightful creation. Spring and […]

To the editor: Tom Bock announces run for State House
I am pleased to announce that I am running as a Democrat for the Vermont House of Representatives seat, Windsor District 3-1, currently held by Leigh Dakin. I look forward to representing the towns of Chester, Andover, Baltimore and North Springfield at the State House in Montpelier. Having served on the Chester Board of Selectman […]

This riff on a Bahama Mama lights up your dessert menu
By Jim Bailey ABahama Mama beverage is a great convergence of tropical fruit juices, coconut rum and grenadine. To turn this into a dessert, I have substituted the grenadine with pomegranate juice, which grenadine originally was derived from, for a delightful fruity/tart flavor. I can’t think of one simple dessert such as this that […]

Grafton Select Board meeting for June 6, 2016
The Grafton Select Board will meet on Monday, June 6 at 6 p.m. at Grafton Elementary School, 58 School St. Below is its agenda. Public Comment Adopt Agenda Minutes: May 16, 2016 & May 26, 2016 Warrants: Accounts Payable and Payroll Highway Report: Winter Sand & Paving Specs. Update on request for Iberdrola to answer […]

Fire truck buy spurs Weston board to improve purchase procedure
By Christopher Biddle © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC With lessons learned from the unforeseen length of time it took to take delivery of a new town dump truck, and with the forthcoming purchase of a new fire truck, the Weston Select Board wants to improve the way it plans for big-ticket equipment costs. At its […]

Sands may have violated Grafton Code of Conduct in meeting Iberdrola
By Cynthia Prairie ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Grafton Select Board chair Al Sands may have violated the town’s two-year-old Code of Ethics by meeting with representatives of international wind industry company Iberdrola Renewables. That possibility was brought up on Thursday, May 26, at Town Hall, during a special Select Board meeting held for the purpose […]

Two arraigned in Webster’s House animal cruelty case
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC WHITE RIVER JUNCTION On Tuesday morning, May 24, at Windsor County Superior Court, Mary Donaldson and Jessica “Remy” Fecteau of Webster’s House in Chester pleaded not guilty to misdemeanor charges stemming from an investigation into cruelty to animals at the shelter. According to court documents, Donaldson and […]