Archive for July, 2016

Unpermitted ‘superload’ trucks ‘grounded’ in Rockingham
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two tractor-trailers carrying oversized loads that tore down wires and broke utility poles in Chester last night will spend the weekend and at least part of next week at a reststop in Rockingham while Vermont authorities engineer a way for them to safely exit the state on […]

Venue Change: Grafton Select Board agenda for Aug. 1, 2016
The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 1 at Town Hall, 117 Main St., due to a plumbing problem at its usual venue, Grafton Elementary School. Below is its agenda. 1. Public Comment 2. Adopt Agenda 3. Minutes: July 18, 2016 4. Warrants: Accounts Payable and Payroll 5. Highway Report […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Aug. 3, 2016
The Chester Select Board will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Approval of minutes from the July 20, 2016 Selectboard meeting and July 20, 2016 Selectboard executive session 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Vermont Public Service Awards Recognition; Debbie […]

Two superload trucks knock out power, Internet, cable in separate Chester accidents
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two “superloads,” being driven from Ohio, brought down fiber-optic lines along Route 103 just north of the Stone Village, and electric, fiber-optic and cable lines on Route 103 South at Sylvan Road, in separate but almost simultaneous accidents late this afternoon. Superloads are even larger than the common wideloads seen […]

To the editor: Knowledge of community makes Bock good candidate
Tom Bock is running for the Vermont House of Representatives seat District 3. 1. I have known Tom since the early ‘80s when he was vice president of Readex Microprint Corp. Tom has worn many hats for our community since moving to Chester in the ‘70s: a successful business owner; Chester Selectman for nine years; […]

To the editor: Reed is best candidate
Having worked with many state representatives over the years, I would describe their most important characteristic is the ability to listen. You cannot represent your constituents if you don’t know what their concerns are or how the issues will impact their lives. Your have to listen to be a good representative. It is this quality […]

House explodes in Guilford
UPDATE: July 28 – The Vermont State Police are advising that it appears the explosion may have been caused due to a ruptured propane gas line inside the basement of the house, but they still don’t know what caused rupture in the line or what ignited the leaked propane vapor. Detectives are still examining […]

2nd case of West Nile Virus found in Windsor Co.
The Vermont Department of Health has notified town health officers that the 2nd case of West Nile Virus disease has been found in Windsor County. According to Ralph Pace, Ludlow Town health officer, the state monitoring agency noted, “This latest case became ill in mid-July and, similar to the case from earlier in June, has […]

Grafton group seeks to sway Chester board against wind project
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC The July 20 Chester Select Board was a presentation-rich environment, with information on an impending townwide reappraisal and an offer to donate the north shore of the Rainbow Rock swimming hole to the town. The longest, however, was a PowerPoint presentation by opponents of the wind project […]

Derry Select Board floats proposed salt shed to DRB
By Bruce Frauman © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Three members of the Londonderry Select Board sat before the town’s Development Review Board on Wednesday, July 20 to present their proposal to build a salt and sand shed on the Prouty Land adjacent to Route 100, about half way between the two town centers. There are […]

Candidates for lt. gov., governor talk industrial wind power, citizen input at Grafton forum
By Cynthia Prairie ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC The small crowd gathered before even one candidate entered Grafton’s White Church on Monday night got the biggest treat of the day, when young Ripley Schemm practiced a solo soprano performance with one of the world’s most famous arias. Accompanied by his father on piano, Ripley, who is […]

Weston Select Board agenda for July 26, 2016
The Weston Select Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 26 at Weston Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda 2. Public Comment 3. Little School Painting Bids 4. Furnace Bids 5. Oil Bids 6. SO #16 Payroll, SO #16 Vendors 7. Review and […]

The Telegraph Business Ticker, a tourism and business promotion website, has named Chester’s Country Girl Diner, 46 Route 103 South, on its list of 15 Vermont diners to visit. Congratulations to Kate Huntington and all the fine folks at Country Girl. You can see the complete list here. (But would someone please tell Only in Your State how […]

Weston’s ‘Round & Round’ is comic precision in a delightful farce
By David Lampe-Wilson ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Norman Conquest has landed onstage at Weston Playhouse with Round and Round the Garden, the third play in Alan Ayckbourn comic trilogy, bringing a breath of fresh air to relieve the hot summer nights. The first two plays of the trilogy were previously presented at Northern Stage […]

College News
Luke Brophy of Chester received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering. RIT is located in Rochester, N.Y. William Culver of Grafton has been named to the Dean’s Honor List at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., for the spring 2016 semester. The Dean’s […]

Tesha Buss takes gavel at Ludlow Rotary; BRGNS offers school supplies program
The Ludlow Rotary Club continued its tradition of “changing of the gavel” at its recent meeting to honor Bret Harlow, the retiring president of the club, and Tesha Buss, the incoming president. Harlow took the opportunity to thank the many Rotarians who had helped him during his term. Harlow’s parents, David and Marjorie Harlow, were […]

Editor’s note: Letters to the editor
During any political season, we naturally receive many letters to the editor endorsing one candidate or another. This year’s state primary will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 9. For fairness to all, The Chester Telegraph will not be running political endorsement letters to the editor between Tuesday, Aug. 2 and Aug. 9. Following the Primary, […]

To the editor: Reed understands needs of her district
There is an important primary election coming up on Aug. 9. That day, voters in Chester, Andover, North Springfield and Baltimore will have the opportunity to choose a new representative in Montpelier. We strongly recommend voting in the Democratic primary for Melody Reed. Melody brings a fresh face to the political process. A Vermonter with […]

To the editor: Bock’s qualifications for state rep ‘impressive’
I’d like to share with you the reasons why I’m supporting Tom Bock for Democratic state representative representing Andover, Baltimore, Chester and North Springfield. I’ve had the opportunity to serve with Tom on the Regional Planning Commission board for the past year and a half, where he is currently the chair. His qualifications are impressive […]

To the editor: Reed a tireless advocate for women, workers
I’ve known Melody Reed for over 10 years and one of her traits that has struck me most is her unrelentingly optimistic “can-do” attitude. Never one to say “no” to working on a project for a worthy cause, she is a tireless advocate for women, families and issues affecting our community. This is only one […]