To the editor: Bock is obvious choice for Chester
The Chester Telegraph | Jul 11, 2016 | Comments 0
We are writing this letter in support of Tom Bock for state representative.
Tom is the obvious choice for Chester. His involvement in the community — as the chairman of the Planning Commission, chairman of the Regional Planning Commission, Select Board member and Chester Economic Development Committee member — has provided him with the knowledge and experience necessary to be our voice in Montpelier.
Tom Bock understands the unique issues that Chester faces regarding transportation, education and economic vitality. His knowledge comes from his long involvement in the community.
Tom Bock has owned property in Chester for 45 years. He raised his family in Chester and knows the history and deep-seated issues that face us all. Tom Bock has also been a small business owner. He understands the struggles that face small businesses in Vermont and can work toward promoting sustainable, economic growth within our communities. He will work toward promoting jobs and fair wages so that our towns can be filled with young families who can afford to live here.
Knowledge and understanding gained through hands-on experience is of the utmost importance when selecting representation in Montpelier. Tom Bock is the only candidate for Chester that possesses these necessary qualifications, which makes him the obvious choice.
Jeffrey and Julie Hance
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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