To the editor: Reed offers fresh perspective in Montpelier
The Chester Telegraph | Jul 25, 2016 | Comments 0
I am writing in support of Melody Reed, candidate for Vermont state representative serving the communities of Chester, Andover, Baltimore and North Springfield.
Melody Reed has long been active in the community as a small business owner and as executive director for the Gallery at the VAULT in Springfield.
I have known Melody both professionally and as a friend for almost 30 years and know that she is ideally suited to be a Vermont state representative and that she will work tirelessly as an advocate for our community.
Melody is an eighth generation Vermonter and a mother of three, who possesses a deep and abiding love for Vermont and a profound interest in any issues that impact Vermont, whether they are on the national, state or local level. She is already actively working to protect the environment and to enrich and strengthen our community.
Melody epitomizes the Vermont value of hard work. She is also a concerned and compassionate listener who will be a strong voice for all of us all in Montpelier and will strive to make this district economically vital while maintaining the area’s beauty and quality of life.
She also brings a fresh perspective to this district’s unique needs. Melody’s greatest strength is her ability to pinpoint problems, research available choices and alternatives – and most importantly find solutions.
Please consider voting for Melody Reed at the primary on Aug. 9. Absentee ballots and early voting are available at the town hall.
Diana Ashworth
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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