To the editor: Rep. Dakin backs Bock to fill her post

I have announced that I am not running for re-election as a state representative serving Windsor District 3-1 (Andover, Baltimore, Chester and N. Springfield). Being a legislator in the Vermont General Assembly for the past six years has been one of the best experiences I have had. Every time I entered the State House, I felt a sense of pride and humility, as well as responsibility to all of the constituents in my legislative district and to the residents of the State of Vermont.

Letters to the editor logo 3I am proud of my role in putting Vermont back together after Tropical Storm Irene, maintaining a balanced state budget, ensuring that our roads and bridges were receiving sufficient state financial support, assisting those in need and attempting to keep our school budgets in some order while providing a quality education for all, from pre-K thru post-secondary school.

I am pleased to announce my enthusiastic support for Tom Bock, who is running in the Democratic primary to replace me.  Tom is one who shares our values of community participation and support, as he and his wife, Mariette, have lived, worked and raised a family in our town.  I know that Tom supports many interests similar to mine, including concerns over health care, education, fiscal responsibility in budgeting, protecting the interests of those less fortunate than we and maintaining support for our town and state infrastructure.

Tom Bock will represent this district well in the State House. I served with Tom on the Chester Select Board and further appreciated his leadership during his later terms on the Select Board, as a member and chair of the Chester Planning Commission and as a member and chair of the Southern Windsor Regional Planning Commission. Tom has demonstrated capabilities that others lack, including the ability to listen and respond to the concerns of the people he represents and the experience to work cooperatively with all sides to forge a consensus to achieve the best results available.

I hope you will join me in voting for Tom Bock for state representative for Windsor District 3-1 in the Democratic primary on Aug. 9, 2016.


Leigh Dakin
State representative


Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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