Archive for July, 2016

Grafton Select Board agenda for July 18, 2016
The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, July 18 at Grafton Elementary School, 58 School St. Below is its agenda. 1. Adopt Agenda 2. Minutes: Warrants: Accounts Payable and Payroll 3. Highway Report a. Work Schedule: Signage for truck traffic, Eastman Road 4. Response by Al Sands to David Acker’s accusation regarding […]

Six Loose Ladies opens to brisk business in Chester
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Six Loose Ladies, the popular fiber arts co-op that recently moved from Cavendish to a Main Street storefront in Chester was “not quite open” last Friday, according to member Suellen Slater, and business is “already like a weekend day.” Slater was working the register while still trying […]

Police continue hunt for thief of GMUHS class gift; donations, reward offered
Chester Police continue to run down clues in search of the thief who stole a 65-inch flat screen TV from Green Mountain Union High School late last Thursday night. The screen, valued at $1,000, was the gift from the Class of 2016, which graduated in June. It had a arrived at the school that day […]

Londonderry roads chief surprises board with intention to quit
By Bruce Frauman © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Road Foreman Duane Hart surprised the town’s Select Board at its Thursday, July 7 meeting by announcing that he would be stepping down from that position later this summer. “It’s my intention to end my relationship with the town of Londonderry in September,” said Hart. “Londonderry […]

Chester tax rates decline; water tank, pipeline contracts awarded
By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a busy meeting on Wednesday night, the Chester Select Board set this year’s tax rate, heard a report from the town’s outside auditor, approved hiring several contractors for master planning and for work on the water system, made three Development Review Board appointments, got updates on […]

Turner wins Grafton Select Board seat; opponent Dougall hospitalized before polls open
By Cynthia Prairie ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Grafton voters went to the polls today and elected John Turner to a Select Board seat left vacant by the resignation of Gus Plummer. But the voting developed an unexpectedly sad tone just before the polls closed this evening as word got out that candidate Don Dougall had […]

A weekend of celebrations for Chester’s 250th
In celebration of the town of Chester’s 250th anniversary of the New York Charter, a committee of residents has planned a series of events for the coming weekend to mark the occasion. Many other organizations — including churches and businesses — have also stepped up to celebrate. Please check out The Telegraph Calendar of Events […]

Community events: July 13 through July 20, 2016
For more upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph calendar. To be included in our Upcoming events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on Fridays to be eligible for publication the following week. July 13: Stingrays Swim Team summer season begins The Edgar […]

To the editor: Bock the right choice for Windsor 3-1
There are many factors that tell me Tom Bock is the right choice for the Windsor 3-1 District’s representative in Montpelier. The most important factor from my perspective is his long history of productive public service. Serving on the boards of Selectmen, Chester Planning Commission, as chair of the Regional Planning Commission and the Chester […]

To the editor: Send Reed to Montpelier to represent us
I am writing in support of candidate Melody Reed for Vermont state representative, serving the communities of Andover, Baltimore, Chester and North Springfield. Melody has been a friend of mine for several years and I am thrilled she wants to be our representative in Montpelier next term. She is a hard-working, genuine person — just […]

Spater Scholarships award $14,000 to former GMUHS students;
VSAC distributes scholarships to more than 350 statewide
The Tom Spater Scholarships awarded $14,000 in scholarships this year to two graduating Green Mountain Union High School seniors and six college students. These scholarships are given in the name of Tom Spater, who brought his leadership to this community. He was chair of the Select Board, school board member and moderator, a Trustee at […]

To the editor: Bock’s experience qualifies him for state rep
I encourage you to vote for Tom Bock for Vermont House of Representatives for the Windsor District 3-1, representing the Towns of Chester, Andover, Baltimore and North Springfield. Tom and his wife, Mariette, raised their family in Chester and know first-hand the rewards and challenges of living in rural Vermont. As both former manager of […]

To the editor: Reed has qualities for state representative
It’s campaign season and I’m asked by people, “What does it take to be a good state representative?” It’s a really good question and I’m happy to answer it based on my experience and what I’ve observed in other representatives with whom I served. At the top of my list is: You must be a […]

College News
Orrin Amsden of Chester has been named to the Dean’s List at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y., for the spring 2016 semester. The Dean’s List recognizes full-time students who maintain grade-point averages of a minimum of 3.0 out of a possible 4.0 and have no grades below C. Amsden studies Electrical Engineering. Muriel Chase […]

To the editor: Neighborhood Connections thanks Kinsley, Jake’s
Neighborhood Connections extends its heartfelt thanks to Tad Kinsley and his staff for a very successful spaghetti dinner benefit held on Wednesday, June 15. More than 125 diners enjoyed pasta, meatballs and sausage with Jake’s Restaurant terrific sauce along with salad and the best brownies all provided by Tad and enabling 100 percent of the […]

To the editor: Bock is obvious choice for Chester
We are writing this letter in support of Tom Bock for state representative. Tom is the obvious choice for Chester. His involvement in the community — as the chairman of the Planning Commission, chairman of the Regional Planning Commission, Select Board member and Chester Economic Development Committee member — has provided him with the knowledge […]

Cod and mango salad healthy and satisfying
By Jim Bailey My kind of salad! I chose cod because it has the lowest fat content of any fish and cooks rapidly. Tilapia is also a great white fish for this recipe. But what I truly love about this dish is the beautiful presentation as well as a “feel good about yourself” result. […]

Chainsaw taken from truck in Saxtons River
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Vermont State Police say that a chainsaw was stolen from a truck in Saxtons River during the evening of July 4. Russell Schleimer of Chester contacted police to report that his Husqvarna model 373 XP chainsaw was taken from the bed of his pick up truck while he was attending […]

Burglars hit Grafton Garage
© 2016 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Vermont State Police in Rockingham are investigating a break-in and burglary at the Grafton Garage at 21 Route 121 in Grafton. Police responded to the burglary report this morning and say the crime was committed overnight. A small amount of cash, three checks and a digital camera were stolen. […]

Chester temporarily chlorinates public water
Temporary chlorination of Chester’s public water system began this evening — Friday, July 8 — to prevent problems that could be caused by the continuing water pipe replacement work, pressure testing and flushing that has been taking place along Route 103, says Jeff Holden, Chester’s water and sewer superintendent. He adds that residents shouldn’t experience […]