Archive for August, 2016

State offers public alert on sewage discharges
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation has launched a new public alert system that enables subscribers to receive email or text message notifications when sewage and unpermitted discharges release into Vermont’s lakes, rivers, and ponds. “…this new system … will allow Vermonters to have prompt notification of potential threats to public health and the environment, […]

Mysteries rule for August’s Good Reads
By John Hoover ©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC During the life of the Good Reads column we’ve done a variety of themes but one that we’ve used with some frequency is mysteries (most likely because I dearly love a good mystery/thriller). Since I’ve read several good mysteries lately I decided it was time to revisit that […]

Spiced apple rings a great barbecue or holiday side dish
By Jim Bailey I remember these spiced apple rings as a child, with my parents placing one slice on top of a little lettuce as garnish for entrees at their restaurants. They are spicy, sweet and so delicious. These apple rings make a great side dish for any barbecue, picnic or even as a […]