To the editor: Upper Midwest embraces wind

Letters to the editor logoWe just returned from a 2,600-mile round trip on motorcycles to the Wisconsin Dells.

Imagine to our (seven people in the group) surprise all the wind turbines we saw, maybe 1,000 just in Michigan and Illinois alone — we got tired trying to count them. As we arrived in Ubly, Mich., we had seen at least 100 approaching the town and surrounding it.

We spoke to two locals and asked if property values decreased, was there an outbreak of illness, was the sound from the blades a nuisance, how was the infrasound problem, has the flooding been bad, have all the animals gone, how were the piles of dead birds disposed of, etc. They looked at me peculiarly: “What are you talking about?” was the response.

None of those things had happened. The turbines were so liked that two were built next to the elementary school.  The area is flat — no sound deflection and the turbines were going full tilt and we heard nothing.

At a rest area just inside Illinois were probably 50 turbines upwind and all within a mile or two going like crazy and not a sound. With 50 turbines you would think we’d be shaken to bits with that many blasting. No. If you hadn’t seen them you wouldn’t have known they were there.

Sorry anti-turbine people, you are really wrong. Go out and see them and be there before you tell me facts from the Internet.

Greatly traveled,

Kent Armstrong

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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