Temporary bridge placed over failing Popple Dungeon culvert
Shawn Cunningham | Nov 06, 2016 | Comments 0

A one lane, temporary bridge over a failing culvert under construction last week. Photos by Shawn Cunningham
By Shawn Cunningham
© Telegraph Publishing LLC
The town of Chester placed this temporary structure there last week because the culvert just beyond Zezza Road is failing.
According to Public Works Director Graham Kennedy, the bridge is rated for 40 tons and was leased from the State of Vermont for $175/month.
At a recent Select Board hearing, executive assistant Julie Hance said that the culvert is in critical condition and needs replacement. Hance requested permission to apply for a Transportation Alternatives Grant to replace the culvert. The project is estimated at $400,000 with grant funding covering $300,000, with a required match from the town of $100,000.
The Transportation Alternatives Grant includes federal monies and has a fairly long lead time so the temporary bridge will be in place for at least a couple of years.
On Monday Hance told The Telegraph that this has been a long time in coming but that there wasn’t substantial grant money available in the past to take care of the situation. “Tropical Storm Irene didn’t help,” said Hance, “but it didn’t do enough damage to be part of the Irene funding.”
When the grant comes through, the culvert will be replaced with a multi-plate arch while the bridge keeps the road open during construction. The bridge will be removed when the arch is completed.
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