Online woodland care class set; Ludlow Rotary celebrates 90th
Press release | Jan 30, 2017 | Comments 0
The course, which is open to anyone who owns 25 or fewer acres of forestland in either county, begins Feb. 21 and culminates with a hands-on Backyard Woods Field Day on April 1. The cost is $50, payable by Feb. 13, and includes a course manual and a tree identification book.
Registration information may be found at Anyone requiring a disability accommodation to participate should call Gwen Kozlowski at (802) 656-6646 by Feb. 6.
Through a combination of videos, webinars, discussion forums and weekly activities participants will gain an understanding of the importance of backyard woods in Vermont’s forested landscape as well as learn to identify trees, plants and wildlife. They also will establish and prioritize stewardship goals and objectives for their property and develop an action plan and timetable for implementing these stewardship activities.
The Vermont Backyard Woods Program, part of the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program, is a collaborative effort of University of Vermont Extension; the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation; the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife; the Vermont Woodlands Association; Vermont Coverts and the Vermont Natural Resource Conservation Service.
To learn more about the program, visit
Ludlow Rotary celebrates 90th year
At its first luncheon meeting in January 2017, the Ludlow Rotary Club celebrated its 90th birthday.
Members of the Ludlow Rotary Club are pictured just before they dig into a cake honoring 90 years.
LRC President Tesha Buss noted that “in 90 years, we’ve been able to do a lot to help individuals and groups in the Ludlow area as well as numerous national and international projects such as polio eradication and support for those suffering from natural disasters.”
She noted that recent projects of the LRC have benefited the Cavendish Recreation Department, the Star Lake facility in Mt Holly, and FOLA (Friends of Ludlow Auditorium) in Ludlow. Buss added, “While we concentrate on helping others in so many different ways, we have never forgotten how to have some fun as well.”
She said that additional plans are being developed by the LRC to continue the celebration of 90 years of Service above Self. LRC meets for lunch on most Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. at DJ’s Restaurant. The LRC is small and is always looking to welcome new members. For more information, contact any Rotarian or drop a note to Ludlow Rotary, P.O. Box 216, Ludlow, Vt. See more at:
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.