Archive for January, 2017

Chester officer disarms shovel-wielding woman
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester Police have arrested a 24-year-old woman after a man was assaulted at a home on Popple Dungeon Road. Last Saturday, Jan. 14, Chester Police Officer Todd Mayer was called to the house on Popple Dungeon for a report of an assault on Hayden Lawrence, a caregiver who had locked […]

Wooden salt shed to be put on Derry Town Meeting ballot;
Transfer Station fee hike proposed
CORRECTION: While the Londonderry Select Board did discuss on Jan. 12 the amount that it would ask the voters to approve, the board did not vote on that dollar amount that night. It only decided to ask voters to approve the wood-frame shed. However, at the Tuesday, Jan. 17 meeting, the board did decide to […]

Weston voters to decide on fire truck financing; zoning admin hopefuls await new job description
By Bruce Frauman © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board will be asking voters to decide whether to approve financing for a new fire tanker at Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 7. The Weston Volunteer Fire Department made the case for replacing the 1987 tanker, which can only pump about 40 percent of […]

Your resolutions won’t bat an eye over double chocolate cake
By Jim Bailey This double chocolate pound cake is a Yanked™ recipe because I have cut the amount of fat and sugar as well as creating a gluten-free cake that is exceptional, moist and delicious. Honestly, you will not be able to taste or feel the lack of gluten in this chocolaty delight. Nonstick […]

Bridge work continues: Exit 6 at I-91 northbound to close this week
The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule from Jan. 16, 2017. I-91 southbound travel lane only (right lane) over the bridge remains closed until about Jan. 20 to allow crews […]

Act 46 Study Committee meeting Jan. 18, 2017
The Two Rivers Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee will hold its next regular meeting on Wednesday Jan. 18 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 Main St., Chester. The objective of the meeting is to finalize the overall plan and begin on the articles of agreement. The agenda is below. 1. […]

Grafton Select Board agenda for Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017
The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2017 at Grafton Elementary School, 58 School St. in Grafton. Below is its agenda. 1. Public Comment 2. Adopt Agenda 3. Minutes: Jan. 5, 2017 4. Warrants: Accounts Payable and Payroll 5. Highway Report 6. Signature for Excess Weight Permit 7. Planning Commission […]

Chester Town School Board of Directors meeting for Jan. 18, 2017
The Chester Town School Board of Directors will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017 at Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 Main St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. I. Call to Order a. Roll Call II. Approval of Agenda-Additions & Deletions III. New Business a. Financials: i. Approval of FY 2017-18 Budget; ii. […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Jan. 18, 2017
The Chester Select Board will meet as the Chester Water & Sewer Commission at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017 to set the water rates. Following that, the Select Board will meeting. Both meetings will be held at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is the Select Board agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes […]

ANALYSIS: Inconsistency hangs over Chester appointments process
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Several potential members of two Chester town planning and zoning panels have been waiting for months for the Select Board to make appointments and, at its Wednesday, Jan. 18 meeting, the board will be discussing how it will approach the task deciding who will serve. The methods […]

Milk truck-minivan crash tells cautionary tale
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC At about 1:45 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 9, a milk truck carrying 39,000 pounds of milk and a minivan driven by an area resident crashed on Green Mountain Turnpike. The truck was on its way to the nearby Rohman-Wei farm to pick up milk. Called to the […]

Chester board approves budget, considers Act 250 appeal
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC After a relatively uneventful budgeting season, the Chester Select Board approved the 2017 financial plan and voted to send an article to town meeting to raise $2.9 million in taxes, but not before one resident questioned the large surpluses from 2016 and expressed concern that several new […]

College News
Keene State College of Keene, N.H., announces that 1,400 students have been named to the fall 2016 Dean’s List, including: Tori Parker of Londonderry and Kyle Record of Grafton Lehigh University of Bethlehem, Penn., has announced its Dean’s List for the fall semester of 2016. Dean’s List status is awarded to students who earned a […]

Same day voter registration now in effect in Vermont
Secretary of State Jim Condos has announced that eligible Vermont voters are now able to register to vote on any day up to and including Election Day. As of Jan. 1, 2017, Act No. 44 (S. 29) officially went into effect, and will be implemented immediately for all local and state elections going forward, including […]

Londonderry Select Board agenda for Jan. 12, 2017
The Londonderry Select Board will hold a meeting at 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12 at the Twitchell Building, 100 Old School St., South Londonderry. This meeting is rescheduled from the board’s regular meeting of Jan. 3 that was canceled due to snow. The agenda is below. 1. Call meeting to order 2. Additions or deletions […]

Vt. Wood Manufacturers set annual meeting for Jan. 27;
state hosts info day for current, startup brewers;
Grants offered for small business gardens;
Telegraph donates to Chester Rotary
The Vermont Wood Manufacturers Association is holding its Annual Meeting at Andrew Pearce Bowls and the Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Historical Park in Woodstock from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 27, 2017. The meeting will start with a tour of Andrew Pearce Bowls led by Andrew, on Route 4 in Hartland. Using locally […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all who helped with holiday distribution
The staff and clients of Black River Good Neighbor Services offer their sincere thanks to all who made our annual holiday food and gift distribution possible. Again this year our staff and volunteers packed and distributed dinners and toys to many community residents who would otherwise have a bleak holiday. On Dec. 19, some 30 […]

Pull retirement funds from a number of solid sources
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC Here’s a million-dollar question: How will you transform your savings into income that will last throughout your retirement? According to the Social Security Administration, at age 65, a woman can expect to live for 21.6 more years and a man for 19.3 more years. However, 25 percent of […]

A snickerdoodle Doodlebop cake? Kids will love it
By Jim Bailey Anyone remember the children’s Canadian TV show The Doodlebops? My children loved it! So here’s a cake I call Doodlebop. It’s not only its title that makes this cake a household favorite, it’s the flavors, which are reminiscent of a snickerdoodle cookie. It’s a softly scented cake that can just be […]

Texas fugitive arrested in Andover
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont State Police and Chester Police on Friday assisted the U.S. Marshals Service in the arrest of James A. Jackson at a home on East Hill Road in Andover. According to media reports in Texas, on Aug. 10, 2016, Jackson was indicted by the Sabine County Grand Jury on […]