Archive for February, 2017

Ludlow Rotary offers new scholarship; BRGNS installs cameras
The Ludlow Rotary Club announces a new district-wide scholarship in memory of Janice H. McElroy. McElroy served as Rotary District 7870 Governor in 2011-2012 and was instrumental in securing a Rotary International grant of $412,000 to help southern Vermont rebuild after the devastation of Tropical Storm Irene. This scholarship is made possible due to donations […]

Dr. Lord accepting patients at new Chester office;
Merchants Bank raises $19,000 for Special Olympics
Dr. David Lord, clinical psychologist, has resumed his office practice at the Henry Office Building, 116 Main St., Chester. Recently retired as staff psychologist at the Veterans Administration Hospital in White River Junction, Lord’s experience includes working with men and women struggling with anxiety and depression, substance abuse, aging and PTSD, as well as problems […]

Arrison to hold Meet the Candidate event; Chester holds Master Plan Community Design Workshop
March 4: Arrison hosts Meet the Candidate event Chester Select Board candidate Kelly Arrison will hold a Meet the Candidate morning from 9 to 11 a.m., Saturday, March 4, at Baba a Louis Baker, 92 Vermont Route 11, in Chester. Arrison is hoping to hear from wide variety of Chester residents about their ideas and […]

‘Forks over Knives’ showings on Tuesdays at Grace Cottage
The documentary Forks Over Knives, which examines the theory that most if not all chronic diseases that afflict Americans today can be controlled or even reversed by changes in diet, will be shown Tuesday afternoons, 3:30 to 5 p.m., in the Holt Conference Room at Grace Cottage Hospital’s Community Wellness Center, 133 Grafton Road, Townshend. […]

CAES seeks contents for Time Capsule
Following the success of the Chester 250th celebrations, the CAES Student Council is asking for the communities help to create a 2016 Time Capsule. The Student Council will be gathering materials at the Monday, March 6, 2017 Town Meeting. It is looking for photos with names, dated notices, promotional materials, annual reports, and/ or anything […]

GMUHS announces 2nd quarter Honor Roll
©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Green Mountain Union High School has announced its 2nd Quarter Honor Roll for the 2016-2017 school year. Honors Middle School Honors are earned by those students with one off-setting grade not below a C-. (There must be an A+, A, or A- to offset the one grade of a C+, C […]

To the editor: Chester committee needs your help
The Chester Economic Development Committee is a group dedicated to stimulating the Chester economy. A marketing plan has been established, the first steps of which are detailed below. However, the CEDC needs your support and your photo contributions to help facilitate it. High Speed Internet Access The CEDC is discussing how to leverage the town’s […]

Rotary donates $3,000 to GMUHS for theater light upgrade
The Chester Rotary, in mid-February, presented a check for almost $3,000 to Green Mountain Union High School to help defray the cost of a basic upgrade to the lighting system in the school auditorium/theater. On Thursday, Feb. 16, Green Mountain Union music teacher Cindi Austin and drama/band teacher Christine Saul spoke to Chester Rotarians and […]

Indian fruit chutney proves dried fruits are for all seasons
By Jim Bailey In case you were wondering what to do with your dried fruits leftover from the holidays, look no further. Usually I do something in the cake or pie department, but I thought I would mix it up a bit and prepare a recipe that had some bite to it. Chutney is […]

To the editor: Gustafson would bring much to Chester Select Board
I know Lee Gustafson to be a hard working family man with a high level of integrity, intelligence, diverse life experience and one who treats others with fairness and respect. Lee owns and operates a successful home-based, family business in Chester, which brings him excellent insight to the diversity of our town’s population as well […]

To the editor: Cavanagh announces run for Derry Select Board
My name is Tom Cavanagh and I am running for a seat on the Londonderry Select Board this March. I will be running for the seat that Bill Wylie held, which has a one-year term. My parents, Jim and Jean Cavanagh, owned the Londonderry Inn for many years and were very active in the community. […]

To the editor: Support school budgets
The Green Mountain Union High School Board respectfully requests your support of the FY 2017-18 proposed budget on Town Meeting Day. The budget represents an increase in the amount to be raised by taxes of 2.4 percent, largely based on personnel costs and a decrease in prior year fund balance. The budget itself indicates a […]

To the editor: Arrison will be good for business, historic Chester
It is that time of year when we make important decisions about our local leaders. I am pleased to know, introduce and endorse Kelly Arrison for a one-year seat on the Chester Select Board. Kelly Arrison is active on the Chester Historic Preservation Committee, the Economic Development Committee and the Master Planning Committee. In late […]

UPDATE: I-91 Bridge Construction in Rockingham
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule this week. All preliminary work has been completed until March 22, 2017 when work will begin on building […]

TRSU Act 46 merger committee approves four-town RED proposal
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Two Rivers Supervisory Union Act 46 Study Committee voted last night (Thursday, Feb. 23) to approve the subcommittee report that recommends the creation of a Regional Education District (RED) from Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester. If approved by the Vermont Board of Education at its March […]

Chester Select Board agenda for March 1, 2017
The Chester Select Board will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 1, to take public comments on the revised Unified Development Bylaws. Following the public hearing it will hold a special session on its regular business. Below is that agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes from the Feb. 15, 2017 UDB Public […]

To the editor: Support Kelly Arrison
I am writing in support of Kelly Arrison who is running for a one-year seat on the Chester Select Board. Kelly is life-long resident of the area and has operated a business here for 26 years. He’s an active member of several committees that are important to our community. These include the Master Plan Steering […]

To the editor: Take a close look at Arrison
I ask Chester residents to take a close look at Kelly Arrison, who is running for a one-year seat on the Select Board. A long-time Vermonter, Chester resident and local businessman running Heads Up Motorsports, Kelly is well aware of the diverse needs of those trying to make a living locally and the factors that […]

Derry absentee ballots available for school district merger
Absentee ballots are now available at the Londonderry Town Clerk’s Office for the Taconic and Green Regional School District Merger vote. Contact the Town Clerk’s office, 100 S. School St. in South Londonderry, to request a ballot at 824-3356. All ballots must be returned by 7 p.m. on March 7 in order to be counted. […]

To the editor: Clearing up confusion over Chester UDBs
Editor’s note: Carla Westine is chair of Chester’s Development Review Board but is commenting here as a private citizen, not on behalf of the DRB. There seems to be some confusion related to Home Business, Home Occupation and Building and Construction Trades and how all these terms apply to the proposed changes to the UDBs […]