To the editor: From breakfast to lunch to Iron Chef Jr., GMUHS is cooking

Here we are mid-winter and everything is going great in the kitchen at Green Mountain Union High.

We offer a great breakfast everyday from 7 a.m. and throughout the morning. You will find on any given day a number of choices to satisfy everyone. We offer a great breakfast sandwich on a wrap, biscuit or English muffin, fresh bagels and cream cheese. Assorted hot and cold cereals are also available. Fresh juice and fat free milk are on the menu also. Save some time in your mornings and have the kids eat here at school.

Lunch is also a great time to visit the cafeteria. Most days we offer no less than 12 different choices to ensure everyone coming down will find a meal they will enjoy. Daily, you will find at least six varieties of cold sandwiches and four hot lunch selections. Our main hot meal of the day that can be anything from pizza, to meatball sub, to Chinese chicken. Our huge fruit and vegetable bar is offered daily with all meals or you can make a lunch just off the salad bar.

I have plans in March to offer our huge Grand Buffet at least once. This is composed of a large selection of deli meats, breads and salads so the kids can create their own sandwiches. We have offered this quite often in past years and we think it is a great time to bring it back.

We continue to purchase as much food as possible this time of year from Windham Farm and Food, a distributor of locally grown foods. This is part of our Farm to School Program that we have been involved in for a number of years

I am pleased to announce we are sending three teams to the Jr. Iron Chef Vt. competition this March: two high school teams and one middle school team. The teams have been working very hard to create their recipes and prepare for the event. Last year, we came home with two winners and hope to do the same this year. As the event approaches I will follow up with more information.

And don’t forget our monthly Senior Luncheon is held at noon on the first Wednesday of each month here in our cafeteria. All are welcome.

Jack Carroll
Food Services

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