To the editor: Arrison a businessman committed to improving Chester

As the former owner of a long-term local business and a native of Chester, I heartily endorse Kelly Arrison for a one-year seat on the Chester Select Board.

Kelly is a life-long resident and has owned Heads Up Motorsports for 26 years. He has traveled throughout the world in his 20-year career as a team manager and professional race car driver. He has collaborated successfully with others in the racing business while managing large budgets.

Kelly has participated extensively in local government affairs. Now he is a member of Chester’s Village Center Master Plan Steering Committee. He is committed to making Chester a more inviting place to live while preserving our distinctive historical heritage.

He will continue being an enthusiastic advocate for locally owned businesses, and will promote responsible economic development. He has strong interest in creative ideas and practical approaches.

Please show your support by voting for Kelly Arrison on March 7, 2017.

Thank you

Suzy Forlie

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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