To the editor: Turner seeks 2nd term on Grafton Select Board

There is much work to be done by the Grafton Select Board. Currently, I serve on the board, and wish to continue to do that necessary work.

John Turner

In 2012, I moved to Grafton as a full-time resident after having visited this great town for 30 years. I was asked to accept the position of Grafton Elementary School principal for one year, and remained in that position for three. In 2013, Andrea and I purchased our home and began renovations. We are happy as clams with our choice.

There are a number of priorities the Select Board should address. There is a need to establish a better process for applying for state and federal grants to support our roads, bridges and overall infrastructure. I suggest that we establish a committee to identify and apply for infrastructure and economic development grants under the direction of the select board.

A current Town Plan would allow us to take more control over the town’s future in an increasingly complex political and economic environment. A revised Town Plan would allow us to: apply for the Village Designation Grant and obtain “substantial deference” from the Vermont Public Service Board with regards to state-driven energy issues.

As a result of my suggestion, the select board has been reviewing the town budget monthly.  It is clear that the board should continue this process as a means to develop a solid budget that is lean and makes the best use of the taxpayers’ money.

Our town is fortunate to have a group of committed citizens, and I believe that this community can accomplish whatever goals we decide to pursue by working together for our future. I respectfully ask for your support on election day as I wish to serve the town by continuing and expanding the work already under way.

John Turner

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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