To the editor: BRGNS thanks Okemo, volunteers and skiers for food drive

The clients, employees and volunteers at Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow sincerely thank Okemo, its employees and especially its skiers for a highly successful food drive on March 19.

Each spring and each fall, Okemo holds its Cares and Shares food drive to benefit Black River Good Neighbors in the true spirit of community giving. Skiers who donate cash or food receive a deeply discounted lift ticket for the day. It’s a winning situation for everyone.

This spring, the drive resulted in over 1,800 pounds of food – that’s 72 boxes of non-perishable items that go directly onto the food shelves.

Volunteers from Black River Good Neighbors, along with Okemo Mountain Ambassadors and employees collected the donated food from various points at Okemo’s main base lodge and at Jackson Gore’s base. They were kept busy all morning.

BRGNS serves clients in Ludlow, Cavendish, Mount Holly and Plymouth with food and financial assistance for all who qualify. For information about BRGNS or its volunteer programs, please call 802-228-3663 and ask for Audrey.

Peter LaBelle
Black River Good Neighbor Services

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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