Windsor Co. drug take-back nets 567 lbs. from 10 towns
Press release | May 17, 2017 | Comments 0

Chester Police Chief Rick Cloud shows off the MedReturn drug drop-off box at Town Hall.
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC
On April 29, 2017, Windsor County Sheriffs, in cooperation with local and state police, again participated in the DEA-led National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, resulting in 567 pounds of disposed medications collected for incineration. This is the largest volume yet to be tallied in Windsor County, and 90 pounds greater than was collected in the fall of 2016.Take-Back efforts began in 2012; since then, many police departments across the nation have installed permanent drug collection units. Windsor County Sheriff Michael Chamberlin has been instrumental in keeping the take back efforts going, after a brief halt in support from the DEA back in 2015. Chamberlin says: “We have committed to keep this effort going…We want to encourage everyone to get rid of their medications, get it out of the house. The collection efforts help to keep dangerous medications out of the hands of people who struggle with addictions and commit crimes.”
Windsor County’s April 29 collection sites yielded the following quantities:
- Chester Police Department, 25.5 pounds;
- Hartford Police Department, 138 lbs,;
- Ludlow Police Department, 23.5 lbs.;
- Norwich Police Department, 20 lbs.;
- Rochester Constable Office, 6.5 lbs.;
- Royalton Police Department, 43.5 lbs.;
- Royalton State Police Barracks, 3.5 lbs.;
- Springfield Police Department, 102.5 lbs.,
- Weathersfield Transfer Station, 22 lbs.
- Windsor Police Department, 91 lbs.; and
- Woodstock Police Department, 88 lbs.
Law Enforcement officials, Healthcare professionals, and Windsor County Prevention Partners encourage adults to lock-up their medications as they need them or to properly dispose of unused medications safely.
For information on proper use, storage, and disposal of prescription medications, visit:
Permanent medication drop boxes and ongoing collection and incineration efforts across Windsor County has been made possible by funding through the Windsor County Prevention Partners and the Vermont Regional Prevention Partnership grant. The WCPP is a partnership with law enforcement, prevention, and community partners to reduce underage drinking, binge drinking, and prescription drug abuse for the 12-25 aged population.
For more information on substance abuse prevention efforts, visit:
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Community
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.