College News

Gary Luman of Chester graduated from Champlain College, based in Burlington, May 13, 2017 with a bachelor of science degree in Business Management. Champlain College’s 139th commencement handed out 516 associate and bachelors  degrees during the ceremony.

Jack Geurts of Grafton, who is majoring in filmmaking, has been named to the Champlain College Dean’s List for the spring 2017 semester. Students on the Dean’s List have achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or higher during the semester.

Taylor Smith of Weston graduated with a bachelor of science in Marketing as Susquehanna University of Pennsylvania closed its 159th academic year with annual commencement exercises on May 17. A 2014 graduate of Burr & Burton Academy High School, Smith is the daughter of Steven and Lynn Smith.

Cooper McCoy of Chester, majoring in middle level education, has made the President’s List at Coastal Carolina University, of South Carolina, for the spring 2017 semester.  To qualify for the President’s List for high academic achievement, students must earn a 4.0 grade point average and must be enrolled full time.

Several southern Vermont residents were among graduates during 100th Commencement of Saint Michael’s College, of Colchester. It was held on  May 14, 2017.

Commencement included 456 undergraduates and 30 graduate degree recipients.

Graduating with undergraduate degrees are:

  • Rachel Erin Meagher of Windsor (BS);
  • Eniola A. Mustapha of Bellows Fall (BA);
  • Robert Henry Litchfield III of Jamaica (BA);   and
  • Corina A. Stack of Saxtons River (BA)









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