To the editor: Superintendent Powden on Ludlow school vote flyer

Dear Ludlow and Mt. Holly School families, community members and school board members,

On behalf of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union, I am deeply sorry for the errors that were made on the May 25th flyer that was sent out from the Ludlow Elementary and Mt. Holly School boards.  On the back side of the flyer, two sections were added to the bottom, “A ‘No’ vote means:” and “Please take the time…” Those two sections should never have been included with the flyer.

The Ludlow Elementary School Board throughout this process of informing our communities about the potential joining of the Ludlow and Mt. Holly School Districts with the Mill River Unified Union School District has been diligent in providing its community members with only the facts.

The board wants to be sure to remain neutral regarding this significant, important vote today, May 30.  Members only want to provide true information for voters to be fully informed when they come to the polls.  I apologize for any confusion and misrepresentation the bottom two sections rendered.

Please be sure to vote today, May 30.  The polls will be open from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.


Meg Alison Powden

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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