Archive for May, 2017

To the editor: Champion Fire Co. thanks others who helped during storm
I would like to take a moment and thank all of the mutual aid fire companies that came to our aid in the storm on May 18. Our dispatch system was completely overwhelmed and we were left on our own. The incident on Spring Hill took a long time to control, there were five homes […]

13 inducted into Flamstead National Honor Society
The Flamstead Chapter of National Honor Society inducted 13 new members in a program held at Green Mountain Union High School in Chester on Wednesday, May 3. The ceremony included speeches by NHS advisor Ally Oswald and officers Kassidy Cummings, Skylar White, Riley Karl, Mikayla Call and guidance director Pam O’Neil. Students inducted are: Mackenzie […]

Pinkham graveside services set for June 4
Graveside committal services with full military honors followed by a Masonic ritual for Earle E. Pinkham will be conducted at 1 p.m., Sunday June 4 at Cobb Cemetery on Hall Ranch Road in Grafton. Mr. Pinkham, a resident of Chester, died on Friday, March 10, 2017 at Springfield Hospital. He was 98. Mr. Pinkham was born […]

Ralph Pace receives LPCTV’s first Community Service Award
Ralph Pace, longtime volunteer producer and host of community TV programs, has been honored with LPCTV’s first Community Service Award at the organization’s May 6 fundraising gala. The award, which will be given annually, was established to recognize valuable service that a volunteer or member of LPCTV has provided to the community. The Ludlow-based local […]

Go an extra mile: Sauce your meats the way they deserve
By Jim Bailey While it may be simpler to purchase a barbecue sauce,there are recipes that make it worth the extra effort. Here is one such recipe. After years of trying to recreate my father’s (the Second Yankee Chef) BBQ sauce recipe, to no avail; I was relieved to stumble upon it! Now I […]

Reward offered in Rockingham Shell burglary
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Authorities are offering a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of burglars who hit the Rockingham Shell station more than two weeks ago. In a press release, the Vermont State Police announced that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives continue to investigate the May 4, […]

UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham Bridge construction schedule
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of May 22, 2017. Monday thru Friday at noon: Truck traffic continues on Golden Hill […]

Andover Select Board agenda for May 22, 2017
The Select Board for the Town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 22, 2017, at Town Office, 953 Weston-Andover Road. Below is its agenda. Call Select Board meeting to order. Act on Agenda. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from May 8th meeting. Old Business: A. Gordon Payne – Rt 11 […]

CAES hosts Community Cafe Ice Cream Social
By Cynthia Prairie © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 S. Main St., will be hosting a free ice cream social at the school from 3 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 21, to begin talking with families about what they want to see in a new playground and in other areas that […]

To the editor: School rankings depend on more than tests
Mount Holly and Ludlow will be voting on May 30 whether or not to close Black River HS and send their 7 – 12th grade students to Mill River HS. Some folks have been saying that Mill River ranks higher than Black River HS, but Vermont does not have a ranking list for its high […]

Derry resident tells board of problems below solar farm; Town Plan ready for hearing
By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The resident of the blue house located below a solar array, which is now owned and operated by Green Mountain Community Solar, brought to the Londonderry Select Board Monday, May 15 her story of broken promises and a difficult living situation. Jennifer Grycel, whose home is owned by […]

To the editor: Neighborhood Connections thanks you
Neighborhood Connections, based in Londonderry, would like to thank the towns of: Andover, Jamaica, Landgrove, Londonderry, Peru, Weston and Windhall for their pledge of support at the recent March Town Meetings. Your generous backing helps us do our important work – particularly since we do not receive any federal or state funds. Neighborhood Connections provides […]

Windsor Co. drug take-back nets 567 lbs. from 10 towns
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC On April 29, 2017, Windsor County Sheriffs, in cooperation with local and state police, again participated in the DEA-led National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, resulting in 567 pounds of disposed medications collected for incineration. This is the largest volume yet to be tallied in Windsor County, and 90 pounds greater than […]

NEWS ANALYSIS: How an Act 46 merger became a separation
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC In two weeks, the voters of Ludlow and Mount Holly will go to the polls to decide whether to close Black River High School and become part of the Mill River Unified Union School District in Clarendon. This was the direction chosen by representatives of those towns […]

Chester Development Review Board agenda for May 22, 2017
The Development Review Board of the Town of Chester will meet at 5 p.m. Monday, May 22 for a site visit at 3630 Vt. Route 103 N. prior to its 6 p.m. public hearing at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda for the pubic hearing. Review minutes from May 8th 2017 meeting […]

Drug task force arrests 16 in Springfield area sweep
Sixteen area residents, including two from Chester, were arrested last week and two more are being sought by police in a drug sweep by the Vermont Drug Task Force. According to a Vermont State Police press release today, the arrests came after several months of investigation into the sale of heroin and cocaine in the […]

To the editor: Get the facts and vote on May 30
This letter is for the parents of students that would be impacted by the Section 721 merger vote. As you may know, there has been a lot of noise out there about Act 46, Section 721 and the upcoming vote for Ludlow and Mt Holly on May 30 to decide whether or not to close […]

Little School seeks changes to lease with Weston
By Bruce Frauman © 2017 Telegraph Publishing The Little School is renegotiating its lease with the town of Weston, and Little School Treasurer Christine Falango appeared before the Select Board on Tuesday, May 9 to discuss various terms. Board member Jim Linville said he and Falango met on the previous Monday to go over the […]

Ludlow group plans ‘life beyond a no vote’ on Mill River merger
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC About 20 members of the loosely organized group that wants to keep Black River High School open met at the Ludlow Community Center on Thursday evening to plan for how children could be educated if the town rejects the proposed merger of the Ludlow and Mount Holly […]

Ludlow Rotary offers business memberships;
Moody’s upgrades VSAC bond ratings
Ludlow Rotary kicks off business membership with Big Eyes Bakery The Ludlow Rotary Club initiated its new business membership policy at its recent luncheon meeting at DJs Restaurant by welcoming the Big Eyes Bakery of Ludlow into the club. This new membership procedure permits area businesses to become members of the Ludlow Rotary and Rotary […]