To the editor: BRGNS thanks donors, customers, volunteers

The staff, clients and board of Black River Good Neighbor Services offer their sincere thanks to the donors, customers and volunteers who made our semi-annual rummage sale a great success.

We held the sale on May 19 through 21 at Fletcher Farm on Route 103 in Ludlow and happily the weather cooperated with sun and warmth.

Whether customers wanted clothes, furniture, household goods, books, shoes, baked goods, lunch or whatever, they seemed to find something. It is heartwarming and satisfying that so many community members volunteered their time to help set up, sell and clean up. It was a true community effort.

All the goods we sell are donated by the community over many months, and we are grateful for such generosity. We raise money through our rummage sales to buy the food we distribute through our food shelf, and to provide crisis financial assistance to the community. The cycle of support both begins and ends with the community. We recycle goods to help those who need help the most.

Our next rummage sale will be held this fall on Sept. 22 through 24, again at Fletcher Farm in Ludlow. We will be asking for donations and volunteers in the coming months.

Peter J. LaBelle
Board president
Black River Good Neighbor Services

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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