Townscape group springs into annual flower planting

© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC

Gardeners from left Suzy Forlie, Margie Straub, Cheryl LeClair, Ann Summers, Mariette Bock, Nancy Chute, Tory Spater, Barb Westine, Jane Davie, Lynn Russell, Roasann Sexton. Photo by Lillian Willis

Every spring, members of Chester Townscape, a committee of the tax-exempt Chester Community Alliance Inc., come together to plant flower pots and place them in public and private locations around Chester, giving the town color all summer, making the town more appealing and attractive. Townscape members also water the plants throughout the summer.

On Thursday, May 25, members of Chester Townscape gathered at Sunshine Acres on Route 11 to plant.

Each year John McAveeney, owner of the nursery, has organized the planting session by pre-filling the containers with dirt and putting the annuals for each planter beside every pot.

Will Cook places a pot of flowers at the cross walk on The Green. Photo by Shawn Cunningham

As a result, 50 24-inch pots were planted by 12 Townscape members in 35 minutes.

The pots were then delivered around town by Chester Townscape member Chris Meyer, with help from his father and placed and watered by Andrea and Will Cook. Barrels were also planted, and boxes on several bridges will follow.

There are floral displays in many new public locations this year including the Church Street bridge, the intersection of Maple and Depot streets, the south corner of the Village Green and the swinging bridge.

Cook waters a newly placed flower pot at the Depot Street Gazebo. Photo by Shawn Cunningham

Chester Townscape is grateful to the citizens and businesses who donated funds to make this annual beautification project possible.


Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. Tim Roper says:

    This is really great work being done by these folks that makes Chester even more beautiful each spring, summer and fall. We’re so fortunate to have you all helping to improve our wonderful town. Thank you!