Springfield Dam Run donates $750 to EdgarMay Fund

Joe Cerniglia of the Springfield Dam Run, left, gives the $750 donation to Christian Craig, EdgarMay’s executive director.

The Springfield Dam Run has donated $750 to the EdgarMay  Annual Fund, which supports the work of the Edgar May Health and Recreation Center.

Now in its 12th year and with a field of more than 250 runners and walkers, the Springfield Dam Run provides support to area charities.

A 501 C 3 non-profit organization, the EdgarMay Health and Recreation Center’s mission is to provide the region with the opportunities and resources necessary to pursue an active and healthy lifestyle, including a wide range of activities that are free, including the Move to Improve Program,  a twice a week class geared to those new to exercise or just getting back to physical activity.  EdgarMay also provides two free weekly classes to area residents, for June: Yoga on Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. and Aqua Tabata at 6 a.m. on Thursdays.

Each year the Springfield Dam Run also honors a community member  who inspires others to live an active and healthy lifestyle. The 2017 recipient is Chip Howard of Springfield. Howard’s daughter, Emma, nominated her dad and spoke about the dedication to improving his diet and activity level. Howard also began running in the last year and has completed two half-marathons and has his sights on a full-marathon in August.

The EdgarMay is located at 140 Clinton St. in Springfield.


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