Chester, Springfield Rotaries present nine scholarships
The Chester Telegraph | Jun 19, 2017 | Comments 0
Chester Rotary presents scholarships to six
The Chester Rotary Club presented its annual scholarship awards to six Green Mountain Union High Schooll seniors, on Wednesday, June 7.
From left, Kris Haselton, Riley Karl, Sean Kenney, Skylar White and Tuckerman Wunderle. Not pictures is Kimball Schultz. Photo provided.
Christine Saul’s honors theater group at GMUHS entertained an audience of 125, made up of Rotarians, scholarship winners and guests, with an original production Murder She Croaked. Malcolm and Ann Summers hosted dinner event at their Chester home residence.
The scholarships were awarded based on academics, financial need, community service and a written essay.
The recipient of the Andy and Heidi Ladd $1,000 per year, a four-year scholarship is Skylar White. Skylar is a member of the National Honor Society, the Interact Club and student government. She also played varsity soccer and softball, and will be a Rotary Outbound student to Brazil for a year before attending American University.
The other recipients of the Chester Rotary Scholarship will receive $1,000 each. Those recipients are
- Riley Karl, who is a National Honor Society member and class officer who headed up the yearbook for two consecutive years. She will be attending the University of Vermont.
- Sean Kenney, who attended both GMUHS and the River Valley Technical Center. He played varsity baseball and plans to attend Plymouth State as a business major.
- Kris Haselton, who looks forward to earning an associate’s degree in business at the Community College of Vermont. He plans to pursue a career in the food industry.
- Tuckerman Wunderle, who played varsity soccer and participated in the dramatic productions at the school and with the Springfield Players. Tuckerman was also involved with WOOL Radio and Green Mountain News. He will be attending Emerson College.
- Kimball Schultz, who will be attending Syracuse University. During her tenure at GMUHS, she was a member of the school chorus, actively participated in drama productions and played varsity softball.
Springfield Rotary presents scholarships to three

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