College News
Press release | Jun 19, 2017 | Comments 0
Jillian Elizabeth Murphy of Chester has been named to the spring 2017 Dean’s List of Juniata College of Huntingdon, Pa. Murphy, the daughter of William and Jaimee Murphy, is a graduate studying international studies with a secondary emphasis in Spanish. The Dean’s List recognizes grade point averages of at least 3.6 out of a possible 4.0.
Samantha Metcalf of Springfield has been named to the spring 2017 Dean’s List at the University of Hartford, of West Hartford, Conn.
Nicholas Ciufo of Ludlow graduated from Union College of Schenectady, N.Y., during the college’s recent 223rd commencement exercises. Ciufo received a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Political Science.
Filed Under: College News • Education News
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.