UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham Bridge construction schedule
Press release | Jun 23, 2017 | Comments 0
The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of June, 26 2017.
Golden Hill Road activities:
Monday through Friday
- Continued construction of lower access road
- Continued steady truck traffic with traffic control present.
- Pumping of stream water around the work area will continue early in the
week. Upon completion of the bypass culvert the pumping should change
over to just daily. Hoping for mid-week but it is weather dependent. - Installation of sheet pile coffer dam begins at the end of the culvert.
I-91 activities:
Monday thru Friday:
- Median crossover work continues.
- Continued daytime northbound left lane closure.
- Smart work zone equipment to be installed on I-91 allowing for
information on traffic flow and potential delays.
Motorists merging onto I-91 via Exit 6 northbound on ramp are urged to use extreme caution and yield to I-91 northbound traffic.
Please note the posted speed limit on I-91 within the construction zone will be reduced to 55mph and will be strictly enforced.
Find updates/changes at: http://countonitinc.com/rockingham-vt-bridges-91/
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Filed Under: Latest News
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.