RVTC students place 3rd in national CareerSafe video contest

River Valley Technical Center Audio Video Production program students Tanner Bischofberger, a junior from Green Mountain Union High School, and Elijah Pianka, a senior from Springfield High School, have placed 3rd in the nation for their CareerSafe video and fourth in the nation for Television Production in recent contests. You can view the 30-second video below.

Tanner Bischofberger, left, and Elijah Pianka with their CareerSafe certificates. Photo from RVTC’s Facebook page

Winners of CareerSafe’s National Youth Safety Video Contest were announced during the opening ceremony of the 53 Annual SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Louisville, Ky. The contest aims to raise awareness of safety and health hazards in the workplace in relation to youth.

Students in career and technical education programs across the country were challenged to create and submit brief videos demonstrating safety in the workplace. Of the 50 entries, 12 finalists were selected for public

First, second, and third place winners received both a scholarship prize as well as a monetary contribution to their school programs.

First Place received a $2,500 scholarship to the winning student/group and a $5,000 prize to the school.

Second Place received a $2,000 scholarship to the winning student/group and $3,500 prize to the school.

Third Place received a $1,500 scholarship to the winning student/group and $2,000 prize to the school.

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