Archive for June, 2017

To the editor: Whiting Library kicks off annual appeal
What do you value most about the Whiting Library? Is it he latest in reading, audio and video materials or the up-to-date computers and instruction. How about free Wi-Fi access? How about educational and fun programs for children offered all year long – or the stimulating programs for adults, including the monthly book group? Whatever […]

Try making Korean BBQ in your own backyard
By Jim Bailey Never had gochujang paste before? For the heat aficionados, this is the perfect Asian (Korean to be precise) condiment for all your grilling days! Combining the intense flavor of chili powder with the subtly sweet addition of rice vinegar and fruited preserves makes this baste great on chicken wings as well. […]

South Derry fire department wins $84,000 FEMA grant
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Champion Fire Company No. 5 Chief Jeff Duda announced Friday morning that the South Londonderry company has won an $84,096 Assistance to Firefighter Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Champion was one of seven FEMA grant winners in Vermont including Springfield with $250,069 and Wilmington with […]

UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham Bridge construction schedule
The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of June, 26 2017. Golden Hill Road activities: Monday through Friday Continued construction of lower access road Continued steady truck […]

Andover Select Board agenda for June 26, 2017
The Andover Select Board will hold its meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 26 at Town Offices, 953 Andover-Weston Road. Call Select Board meeting to order. Act on Agenda. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from June 12th meeting. New Business: A. SWCRPC update – Allison Hopkins; B. Select Board rules of procedure; C. […]

Chester board finds itself in a DRB dustup
By Shawn Cunningham ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester’s planning and zoning functions continue to be problematic even after the adoption of “pro-business” changes to the Unified Development Bylaws earlier this year. Front2Back Landscaping owner Randy Miles complained to the Select Board at its June 14 meeting that the Development Review Board had denied his application. […]

Derry completes Genser buyout; Frog’s Leap Inn fails to sell
By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Applause broke out at the Londonderry Select Board meeting on Monday, June 19 when Town Administrator Stephanie Thompson said, “I am pleased to announce that as of 1 p.m. today we closed on the Genser property.” This marked the end of a six-year saga that began in August […]

Chester teen charged with two counts of sexual assault
By Cynthia Prairie and Shawn Cunningham ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC WHITE RIVER JUNCTION Following a monthlong investigation, Chester and Ludlow Police have charged an 18-year-old Chester man with two counts of sexual assault in incidents that occurred in October 2016 in Ludlow and in May 2017 in Chester to two separate victims. All are students […]

Chester Development Review Board hearing for June 26, 2017
The Development Review Board of the town of Chester will meet for two site visits on Monday, June 26 prior to its 6 p.m. public hearing at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 5 p.m. Site Visit – 390 Ethan Allen Road – Junker Minor Sub-Division 5:25 p.m. Site Visit – 1205 […]

College News
Jillian Elizabeth Murphy of Chester has been named to the spring 2017 Dean’s List of Juniata College of Huntingdon, Pa. Murphy, the daughter of William and Jaimee Murphy, is a graduate studying international studies with a secondary emphasis in Spanish. The Dean’s List recognizes grade point averages of at least 3.6 out of a possible 4.0. Samantha […]

Downer steps down as zoning chief, Weston board taps interim
By Bruce Frauman © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC After only a month as Weston’s zoning administrator, Bruce Downer handed his resignation to the Weston Select Board on Tuesday, June 13. Downer also serves as a member of the Select Board. At its meeting, the Select Board accepted the resignation and the recommendation of the Planning […]

Merk leaves Weston library for Woodstock
Amanda Merk, director of the Wilder Memorial Library in Weston, will be leaving that post on June 24 to become executive director of the Norman Williams Public Library in Woodstock. The Board of Directors of the Wilder Library said that in the two years that Merk has been with the library, “she has done a […]

Ludlow Rotary gives books to young readers;
Collaborative hosts summer camp in Londonderry
Ludlow Rotary donates books to young readers In keeping with its partnership with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, the Ludlow Rotary Club recently distributed books to the Grade 1 students in Emma Eckert’s class at the Ludlow Elementary School. The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a unique program that mails a new, age-appropriate book to […]

Services in Chester for Ginevra Goldthwaite Finch
Family and friends of Ginevra Goldthwaite Marsh Finch are welcome to celebrate her life at a graveside gathering and burial at 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 29, 2017 at the Pleasant View Cemetery, 893 High St. in Chester. Mrs. Finch was born March 15, 1923 and raised in Chester. She died on March 10, 2017, […]

The Telegraph welcomes Ruthie Douglas and ‘Chester Chatter’
I am pleased to announce that Ruthie Douglas is bringing her Chester Chatter column to Chester Telegraph readers. Before the internet and bloggers, there were community columns such as Chester Chatter that gave readers a glimpse into life down the street or on the other side of town. Her column has been a fixture for […]

Chester, Springfield Rotaries present nine scholarships
Chester Rotary presents scholarships to six The Chester Rotary Club presented its annual scholarship awards to six Green Mountain Union High Schooll seniors, on Wednesday, June 7. Christine Saul’s honors theater group at GMUHS entertained an audience of 125, made up of Rotarians, scholarship winners and guests, with an original production Murder She Croaked. Malcolm […]

With one bowl, tour the spices of Asia
By Jim Bailey This is a super quick and spicy Asian-style bistro bowl, with textures and flavors that will instantly put a smile on your face. You can substitute beef or chicken easily, as well as vary the vegetables. To garnish, add some more crunch with chow mein noodles sprinkled on top. 1 (8-ounce) […]

UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham Bridge construction schedule
The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of June, 19 2017. Golden Hill Road activities: Monday through Friday Continued steady truck traffic with traffic control present. Pumping […]

Grafton Select Board agenda for Monday, June 19, 2017
The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, June 19 at Grafton Town Garage, 220 Bell St. Below is its agenda. Adopt Agenda Minutes: June 5, 2017 Highway Report Signature for Cemetery Deed Signature for Sullivan, Powers & Co. Audit Agreement Open Paving, Chip Sealing, and Milling Bids Open Town Pond for […]

Truck inspection yields cause of yesterday’s Hazmat leak
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC One nail, sticking up as little as a quarter of an inch from the surface of a pallet punctured one plastic drum being carried on a Clean Harbors Environmental Services truck and closed Rt. 103 in Chester for nearly 20 hours starting on Tuesday afternoon, according to […]