Chester Chatter: A little saw kicks up a lot of trouble

By Ruthie Douglas
©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC

When my sister and I were teenagers with summer jobs as car hops at the local A&W, we no longer wanted to go up to camp every weekend with our parents.

We were old enough to stay home and out of trouble — or so my mother thought.

Well, all went well and good until one Saturday morning while doing our chores. (We still had to clean our room and pick up.) I suggested to my sister Marie that we modernize our dresser, which was  solid oak with an attached decorated mirror. I saw how easy it was in Woman’s Day magazine, I told her. It is easy, I said. I can do it myself.

I found a handsaw out in the shed, so it was dull and rusty. Marie said once again that I should not do it. But I said it will look great, just wait and see. She pulled out all the drawers and stacked them up on the floor. I started sawing. Off came the mirror first. It came off pretty easy though I cracked it a little bit, but not too bad. I tossed the frame aside and with a large nail, I hammer the mirror on the wall.

Then, turning the dresser on its side, I sawed off the legs. Things did not come out even, so I sawed some more. Wow, I had quite a pile of sawdust, and without the legs, the dresser did not look like I had envisioned.  Then Marie put the drawers back in  — and that, my friends, was when we discovered that the bottom drawer would not fit back in.  Mother eventually got over it and let us keep our jobs.

Celebrations and visits

Corey Hendee and Ciara Dodge were married Saturday, July 16 at the Church on the Hill in Weston. I performed the marriage ceremony. Best wishes to the young couple.

Rich and Diane Stocker were happy for a visit with their daughter Kristy who lives in Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Gal-pals Debbie Aldrich, Darlene Rounds, Diana Wilson, Linda Carroll and Judy Henning got out of town for a few days in Wells, Me.

Bruce and Kelly Douglas and Scott and Maryann Bonneville spent a week camping in Wells Beach, Me. A good time was had by all.

Donna and Bud Kearney are busy cleaning out more than 70 years of living in the Huron family homestead on Country Club Road in Springfield. The barn is set up with countless treasures. Stop by and have a look.

Gary Band, former editor of the Message, was in town one day last week. He and his wife now live in North Carolina.

  • This week’s trivia question: Where was Wilma’s Lunch?
  • Answer to last week’s trivia question: Chester’s landfill dump was on the Green Mountain Turnpike on the road leading into Bartonsville.

 Street Talk

Do you ever go on day-trips?

What’s that?

If you think you know what this object is, give Ruthie a call at 875-3260.


Filed Under: Chester ChatterCommunity and Arts Life

About the Author: Ruthie Douglas is originally from Springfield but has called Chester her home for 58 years, and has been writing the Chester Chatter column for more than 40 of those years. Ruthie is also a longtime volunteer throughout the community.

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