Springfield corrections officer arrested for payroll fraud

© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC

A Vermont state corrections officer at Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield has been arrested and charged with time-card fraud.

According to a Vermont State Police press release, the Vermont Department of Corrections contacted the police in February to report potential ongoing time-sheet fraud by one of their employees, Chad Newton, 32, of Springfield.  Newton, was placed on paid administrative during investigation.

Police analyzed several months of time-sheet records from 2013 to 2017 and say they found that Newton made fraudulent claims in which he would submit time sheets for working a regular shift when he was in fact on vacation or sick leave.  Police also say that Newton submitted time sheets for overtime that he never worked.

According to the press release, the total of the fraudulent claims was estimated at more than $6,000.

Police arrested Newton on Friday, Aug. 4. He was released with a citation to appear in Windsor County Court on Aug. 29, 2017 to answer the charge of false claims.  The charge is a felony because the loss is more than $500.

Newton remains on paid administrative leave from the Department of Corrections.


Filed Under: Latest News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. David says:


    I agree with you in principle, but the problem is that we must adhere to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

    While I believe it could have been handled by retroactively paying admin leave if found innocent, my guess is that there are policies in the Department of Corrections that specifically address the situation.

  2. ginny says:

    By keeping him on paid administrative leave he gets exactly the same thing he is being busted for. He is being paid and not working. What is the difference?