To the editor: Dumping prompts BRGNS to alter donation hours

When the Ludlow and Cavendish transfer stations recently increased their fees, the donation shed of Black River Good Neighbor Services experienced a steep increase in unusable donations we cannot resell — especially those made at night and on weekends when the store is closed.

As a result, our trash disposal cost has skyrocketed. Black River Good Neighbor Services has and always will depend upon your donations to provide services to our clients. Our mission and responsibility though is to buy food and heating fuel for people who need it.

Instead, we are increasingly paying more to dispose of trash. It is with great regret that we have had to close our after-hours donation shed and ask that all donations be made during business hours – 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

Please remember that items left outside and exposed to the elements often become damp or wet and unsalable, and even more expensive to dispose of.

New signage at the store explains our policy change. We have multiple security cameras and will be monitoring the yard for people who dump trash outside. We will continue posting videos of anyone caught doing so on Facebook.


Peter LaBelle
Black River Good Neighbor Services

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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