Apple Blossom Cotillion gets news director;
Girl Scouts announces challenge grant fund-raiser
Press release | Oct 23, 2017 | Comments 0
New director for Apple Blossom Cotillion
The Apple Blossom Cotillion — a community tradition for 61 years — has a new volunteer director, Madison Moreau.
While relatively new to the local area, Moreau has been studying and teaching dance for more than 15 years. Not only did she have her choreographic pieces featured at Hampshire College, where she was a student, but she has also worked for the New England Basketball Hall of Fame as a choreographer. She also volunteered with the Good Company Theater, a non-profit community organization in Granby, Conn., before moving to Springfield.
The Apple Blossom Cotillion, this year held May 4 and May 5, is a fundraising event for Springfield Hospital, originally started by its auxiliary and now presented by its development office. “We are grateful to have Madison’s experience and leadership with this year’s event,” states Larry Kraft, director of development.
Girl Scouts announces challenge grant, fund-raiser
Patricia Casey, director of Advancement at Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains, has announced that the council received a $50,000 matching challenge from a New Hampshire Girl Scout family.The family, who wishes to remain anonymous, have pledged $50,000 toward GSGWM’s Unleashing Her Potential campaign once $200,000 has been raised by the council toward the same campaign between Sept. 1, 2017 and Sept. 30, 2018. The first $100,000 of the $200,000 goal must be committed by Dec. 29, 2017. When the first milestone is met, the family will make a $25,000 matching gift of that calendar year.
“We recognize and value Girl Scouting as essential to providing girls with meaningful, innovative leadership programs,” said the donors. “Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains’ Unleashing Her Potential campaign is critical to ensuring that the girls of New Hampshire and Vermont have access to the best leadership development programs and resources.”
The Unleashing Her Potential campaign provides girls with meaningful, innovative leadership development programs and helps transform the council’s camp properties, allowing GSGWM to help the over 10,000 girls they serve to flex their leadership muscles, try new and exciting experiences in STEM and beyond, and discover the outdoors through hiking, camping, archery, and more.
To learn more about Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains or to donate to the council’s Unleashing Her Potential campaign, visit
Filed Under: Community & Arts in Brief • Community and Arts Life
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.