Archive for October, 2017

People in the news
Chester Legion welcomes new national commander Chester American Legion Post 67 members welcomed new National Commander Denise Rohan to a luncheon on Monday, Oct. 23 as she tours the American Legions in the United States. As the first woman elected to the national position of the 99 year old organization, Rohan had several humorous stories […]

Telegraph Business Ticker
Falls chamber hosts Chowder & Chili Cookoff The Greater Falls Regional Chamber of Commerce will hold its third annual Chowder and Chili Cookoff in Bellows Falls from noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday,Oct. 28. The event is intended to promote shopping locally. Those attending can have their “shop local” cards stamped to enter a raffle. […]

VSP seeks ‘armed and dangerous’ fugitive
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont State Police are requesting assistance in apprehending Daniel Greenwood, age 41. Greenwood is wanted for escape from custody in Orleans County. Police have reports that Greenwood carries a firearm and is considered to be armed and dangerous. Greenwood’s prior cases involve possession of cocaine, three counts of violation of […]

Chef Tostrup joins Free Range; Neal’s opens in Proctorsville
Neal’s owner also challenges Tostrup, Free Range to a softball game
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Free Range Restaurant owners Anne and Rick Paterno announced today that Chef Jason Tostrup will be joining them in mid-November as managing partner and executive chef. Tostrup is best known in the area for his tenure at the Inn at Weathersfield and, for the past four years, […]

Van den Bergh joins Grace Cottage rehab
Physical Therapist Margaret van den Bergh has joined the staff of the Grace Cottage Rehabilitation Department in Townshend. A practicing physical therapist for over 40 years, van den Bergh brings a wealth of professional experience to the department. After earning her B.S. in Physical Therapy from the University of Vermont, she worked for Tidewater Rehab […]

Apple Blossom Cotillion gets news director;
Girl Scouts announces challenge grant fund-raiser
New director for Apple Blossom Cotillion The Apple Blossom Cotillion — a community tradition for 61 years — has a new volunteer director, Madison Moreau. While relatively new to the local area, Moreau has been studying and teaching dance for more than 15 years. Not only did she have her choreographic pieces featured at Hampshire […]

To the editor: Nature Museum thanks community for support of Fairy House Fest
The staff at the Nature Museum was warmed by the buzz of community excitement and show of support for the recent Fairy House Festival on Saturday, Sept. 23, and Sunday, Sept. 24. Local individuals, families, schools, libraries, and businesses collected pine cones, acorn caps, feathers, moss, and more and created charming fairy houses. Visitors to […]

To the editor: The hows, whys of punch card system at Derry Transfer Station
Some folks have expressed their frustration with the new punch card system at the Londonderry Transfer Station. Punch cards are a solution to one piece of a much larger puzzle. Handling cash at the Transfer Station has been a safety and financial concern for years. I would like to assure everyone that Londonderry does not […]

Outerwear drive committee adopts new name: Warm Hands Warm Hearts
For 10 years, residents of Chester and Andover have donated unused blankets, coats and other warm things to be distributed to our neighbors who do not have enough. The committee would like to announce our new name. Warm Hands Warm Hearts — without a comma — indicates that there are caring people actively bringing warmth […]

Halloween happenings around the region
A number of child-friendly Halloween events will be taking place throughout the area beginning on Saturday, Oct. 28. Humane Society Howl-O-Ween Springfield Humane Society holds its third annual Howl-O-Ween dog walk/costume contest from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 28 on the Toonerville Trail Connecticut River Road in Springfield. Prizes will be awarded to […]

Op-ed: Large cost to innkeepers, state of unregulated Airbnbs
By Kathy Pellett The proliferation of Airbnbs and web-based rentals are affecting the livelihood of owners of licensed, regulated inns, hotels and B&Bs. There are serious implications, not just for the hospitality industry, but for the state economy as a whole. Operating an Airbnb is not just a matter of someone renting a room in […]

Chester Chatter: Farm life and the family business
By Ruthie Douglas ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The family farm of times past was a great place to put down your roots. It was a comfort zone. When I married Don Douglas, I had never been in a barn before. Don wanted to show me the cows and calves. I was afraid of the cows […]

Grab the last bits of summer with a pineapple cream pie
By Jim Bailey We have all heard of the classic coconut cream pie; but what’s to stop you from adding some extra sweetness? With the addition of pineapple you get a tasty twist on this old classic! One 9-inch prebaked pie crust 1/2 fresh pineapple 2 cups coconut milk 1/2 cup shredded coconut 1/4 […]

Little bloomers grace the garden in fall
By Henry Homeyer ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Frost was late this year. It was nearly mid-October before we had a hard frost, one that murdered the zinnias and blackened the basil. For me, hard frost is a day to mourn a little, to spend a few moments missing the summer that passed, for the tomatoes […]

Theft of shingles in Windham
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Vermont State Police are investigating a theft of asphalt shingles from a home building site located on White Road in Windham. According to a police press release, the thieves were caught on camera entering the White Road site at about 6:30 p.m. on Friday Oct. 20. Approximately 12 bundles of […]

GM girls swamp Terriers 9-0, end regular season undefeated
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Green Mountain Union High School girls soccer team improved its record to 14 – 0 with a nine goal shutout of the Bellows Falls Terriers including three goals by senior Avery Prescott. In addition to Prescott’s hat trick, Reilly Merrill, Paige Karl, Sierra Kehoe, Lexi White, Emily Barr and […]

Governor seeks independent candidates to replace Olsen
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Gov. Phil Scott announced yesterday that his office is seeking candidates interested in filling the house seat to be vacated by Oliver Olsen on Nov. 1. Olsen is an independent who began serving the Windham-Bennington-Windsor district with the death of Rick Hube in 2009. “I appreciate the […]

Green Mountain girls get by Otter Valley 2-0, improve to 13-0
By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Green Mountain High girls soccer squad got past a scrappy Otter Valley team on Wednesday afternoon in Chester. While GM’s score was low compared to recent outings, most of the game was played at Otter Valley’s end of the field, keeping pressure on its goal keeper. With […]

Public gets peek at Tomasso property
By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC On a warm and sunny Saturday, upwards of 80 Chester residents — and a few dogs — took the New England Forestry Foundation up on its offer to show the public some of the 1,800 acres it hopes to buy and preserve if it can raise $3.5 million […]

More Markham Lane residents attend Weston board with runoff problems
By Bruce Frauman ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Seven residents of Weston’s Markham Lane showed up at the Weston Select Board meeting on Oct. 10 asking for more action on the excessive water run off on their street. In early September, Markham Lane residents Barbara Lloyd and Jenny Server brought the problem to the attention of […]