To the editor: BRGNS thanks all for Stick Season Social support

The directors, staff and volunteers at Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow express our sincere thanks to the many generous supporters who attended and donated to the annual Stick Season Social held on Sunday, Nov. 5.

This fundraiser helps to fill the food shelves at the holiday season and raises cash to help provide heat to families and the elderly during the winter months. More than 100 supporters attended the event and enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch. Guests bid on more than 60 donated silent auction items and tried for more than 30 raffle items.

Black River Good Neighbors relies on local fundraising activities including the Stick Season Social to keep our shelves stocked with food and to provide financial assistance for heat and utilities in the winter. The community comes together to make this happen, and we are fortunate and thankful to the many donors who make our auction successful each year.

We also want to thank our generous partner, Okemo for its hospitality, and of course we thank all our supporters who stand behind us throughout the year. Black River Good Neighbors receives no federal or state money for operations – the organization exists solely on local donations.

Net income from this event will also be used to purchase food for the upcoming holiday basket program. Each year, the organization distributes food just before Christmas to more than 100 local families in need, and that program is under way now. For information on BRGNS’ programs, to donate, or to volunteer, please call us at 802-228-3663.

Peter J. LaBelle
Board President
Black River Good Neighbor Services Inc.

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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