American Legion donates flag pole for Chester Town Hall

By Shawn Cunningham
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Legion member Jeff Holden presents the new flag pole to Town Manager David Pisha Photo by Shawn Cunningham

Chester’s American Legion Post 67 has donated a flag pole to the Town of Chester for Town Hall.

On Thursday, it was presented to Town Manager David Pisha.

In the late summer and early fall, Jeff Holden, who was representing the Legion, came to Chester’s Select Board to offer to put a flag pole at the southeast corner of the building.

The lack of a flagpole has been an issue in the past with the Select Board hearing complaints from time to time.

Then the town displayed American and Vermont flags with photovoltaic lights at the entrance, but those could not be lowered to half staff and the flags often became entangled on the building.

According to Holden, the legion spent $1,600 on the 25-foot flag pole, which features an internal halyard rather than external ropes so that the  two flags on the pole can be raised and lowered with a crank. Holden demonstrated the system by lowering the two flags to half staff, for commemorate both the November massacre that occurred in a Texas church and Pearl Harbor Day.

Holden said the legion was turning the pole over to the town, but that he would keep an eye on it to be sure it’s working properly.

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