Archive for December, 2017

David Hume Jr., 58, co-founder of Green Mtn. Gringo, was lover of the outdoors, thrilled teaching sons snowboarding
GAINESVILLE, Fla. David Stuart Hume Jr., 58, passed away peacefully following a long illness on Dec. 8, 2017. Mr. Hume was born May 2, 1959 in Endicott, N.Y., the youngest child to David and Barbara (Burns) Hume. His early years were spent in Chappaqua, N.Y., with most weekends and holidays spent in Andover, Vt., exploring […]

Henry Homeyer: pruning and pollarding, techniques to keep you busy
By Henry Homeyer ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC This is a time of year when little is happening in the garden. Weeds either have been pulled, or won’t be – until next spring. I’ve cut back most flowers, both perennial and annual. The ground is starting to freeze and we’ve had some snow. It’s a good […]

Storm yields another crop of accidents: ‘Slow down’ says VSP
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC “It’s pretty simple,” said Sgt. Chris Buckley of the Vermont State Police Westminster barracks, “you can’t continue to drive at 65 when the road is covered with snow.” Dozens of motorists learned that lesson during Tuesday’s storm as the VSP responded to 47 calls for crashes, cars […]

Colleagues escort Sgt. Phelps home before final goodbyes on Monday
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Members of area emergency services agencies and first responders honored Chester Police Sgt. Mark Phelps, who died on Monday, by escorting his remains to the Davis Funeral Home in Springfield from Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital in Lebanon, N.H. Just before 4 p.m., as dusk was just settling in, […]

Sgt. Mark Phelps, 53, lived a life of public service, devotion to family
Mark Phelps Sr. 53, passed away on Monday Dec. 11, 2017 at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, N.H. He was born April 17, 1964 in Springfield, Vt., the son of Charles and Elizabeth (Childs) Phelps. He attended Springfield schools, graduating from Springfield High School class of 1983. He later attended the Vermont Police […]

Police to escort Sgt. Phelps home this afternoon
The Chester Police Department have issued this statement at 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13: Today we will be bringing Sgt. Mark Phelps home. Escorting him from Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, leaving there at 3 p.m. to Davis Chapel on Summer Street in Springfield. Escort route will be as follows: 1-89 N to I-91 S to […]

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Overture a success
The Overture to Christmas Committee would like to thank all of the community members who helped make this 32nd Overture — held in late November and early December — a resounding success with children and adults alike. Thank you to our Festival of Trees sponsors: the Pizza Stone, the Heritage Deli, The Chester Telegraph, the […]

Chester board hears culvert detour concerns, reviews 2018 budget
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a special hearing before the Dec. 6 Chester Select Board meeting, Popple Dungeon residents expressed their concerns about detours that would occur during replacement of a failed culvert that was insufficient to handle the water from Tropical Storm Irene. Aaron Guyette and Jason Keener of the […]

Chester Police Sgt. Mark Phelps dies
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Police Department announced this morning that Sgt. Mark Phelps has died. In a message this morning, Chief Richard Cloud wrote: “It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts; Chester Police Department announces the death of Sergeant Mark Phelps. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers in […]

To the editor: Green Mountain Party a cure to status quo
Are you at all frustrated with the political direction Vermont is currently on? If so, a group of us have formed the Green Mountain Party to address the concerns of so many in Vermont that are being ignored. Here is a link to our party at the Secretary of State’s office. Term Limits — eight […]

Telegraph Business Ticker
The Chester Telegraph donated $700 to the Chester Rotary in early December. For the past three years, The Telegraph and the Rotary have partnered to develop the Rotary’s annual Chester Fall Festival page in The Telegraph. Every year, the page contains detailed information on the festival, including music and entertainment schedules, demonstration and vendor information […]

Tomasso property back on market after forestry foundation option lapses
Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The 1,800-acre property in Chester that was the focus of so much attention and excitement as a possible “community forest” that would offer a number of recreational opportunities including hiking, mountain biking and expanded snowmobiling in addition to hunting and fishing is back on the market. Robert Perschel, […]

Missing Chester man found dead
By Shawn Cunningham © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A Chester man who was last seen on Oct. 24 was found dead in the woods off Green Mountain Turnpike on Saturday Dec. 9. According to Chester Police, the body of David MacTavish, who is also known as David “Milo” Mills, 54, was found by a hunter […]

Wise Money: What about dividends?
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC When interest rates reach historic lows, some investors in search of income-generating investments turn to dividend-yielding stocks. Dividends are taxable payments made by a company to its shareholders. When a company makes a profit, that money can be put to two uses: It can be […]

Chester Chatter: Christmas shopping by Sears catalog
By Ruthie Douglas ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Christmas shopping was not easy when my two daughters were young. Because my husband Don traveled for his company, I was unable to take the girls shopping. Once they were in bed, I spread out the catalogs — Sears and Montgomery Ward — on the kitchen table. I […]

How to use that last can of pumpkin
By Jim Bailey Here is a pastry you won’t soon forget. With four flavors that are quintessential Yankee, they are super easy to make, yet uniquely in a class all their own. One taste of these sweet swirls, and you will forever forget about cinnamon rolls for breakfast. 1 cup flour, plus more for […]

First snow crashes keep police busy overnight
© 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The first accumulating snow of the season in this southern Vermont area brought a large crop of motor vehicle accidents, keeping police and towing companies busy into the wee hours. According to the Vermont State Police, troopers from the Westminster barracks responded to more than 35 crashes between 4 p.m. […]

Henry Homeyer: Build your own cold cellar
By Henry Homeyer ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Ihad a banner year for root crops this year, and storage is a problem. For the past few years I had been storing root crops in a spare fridge, or in an old 25-gallon crock with a plywood lid in my cold basement. This year, I went back […]

UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham Bridge construction schedule
The Vermont Agency of Transportation has begun replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of Dec. 11, 2017. I-91 NORTHBOUND & SOUTHBOUND ARE REDUCED TO ONE LANE WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION ZONE. I-91 NORTHBOUND MOTORISTS […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Dec. 11, 2017
The Select Board for the town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 11 at Town Office, 953 Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from Nov. 27 meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five […]