Archive for January, 2018

Chester resident accused of embezzlement from Putney School
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Chester resident has been arrested on suspicion of embezzlement of more than $30,000 from the Putney Grammar School, according to the Vermont State Police. Police say that on Tuesday, Jan. 23 they conducted an investigation that led them to arrest Tammy H. Neathawk, 45, on suspicion of embezzlement. According […]

Petitions due Jan. 29 for open elective offices in Chester
The Town of Chester will elect officers by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 6, 2018. These are the offices that will be up for election at that time. Town Moderator – 1 one year term Select Board – 2 one year terms; 1 three year term Town Grand Juror – 1 one year term Agent […]

Chester Board approves budget after final cuts, appoints Master Plan group
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Having put the town budget back in the hands of Town Manager David Pisha to find savings across the town departments on Jan. 8, the Chester Select Board met on Jan. 17 to review the cuts and finalize the numbers. Due to smaller-than-expected surpluses (which could have […]

Sewer, water system for Derry? Town in preliminary mulling stage
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board has agreed to allow the town to participate in two studies with the aim of possibly creating water and sanitation systems in certain portions of town. Town Administrator Robert Nied, who introduced the studies at the Londonderry Select Board meeting on Jan. 22, said […]

Chester Rotary donates books to CAES first-graders
On Tuesday, Jan. 16, members of the Chester Rotary Club made a special delivery to the first-graders at Chester-Andover Elementary School. Nearly 30 children received a gift of a new book called School Is Fun. Each book is a story personalized with the individual child’s name as well as the names of their siblings and […]

Chester Police log for Jan. 1-Jan. 13, 2018
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log is a sampling of incidents directly from Chester Police reports. In general, we do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Monday, Jan. 1 at 12:30 p.m. A burglar alarm sounded on Temple Road. The alarm company indicated […]

Powden claims ‘no intentional violation’ in Telegraph open meeting complaint
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC After approving a budget and re-adopting the “limited school transfer program” at its Jan. 17 meeting, the Green Mountain Unified School District board turned its attention to a complaint by The Chester Telegraph alleging that the during the recent run up to the budget the board had twice violated Vermont’s Open […]

Magic Mtn. opens lift, ski area for beginners
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC With students from the Ski School looking on, the Magic Mountain Ski Area in Londonderry on Saturday opened its new Nelson Family Learning Area for beginning skiers with the mountain’s first new lift in decades. As the sun broke over the mountain and onto the new installation, […]

To the editor: Free and reduced meals program helps our students, our schools
Let me encourage everyone who has children in our schools to apply to participate in the free or reduced meals program anytime during the school year. In addition to ensuring that all our students get nutritious meals to keep them fueled up to learn, a lot of state and federal funding for our schools is […]

Second Mt. Holly home invasion suspect arrested in Cavendish
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The second suspect in Sunday night’s home invasion in Mount Holly was arrested last night in Cavendish. On Sunday, just before midnight, Vermont State Police were called to a house on Old Turnpike Road just before midnight for a report a home invasion in progress. The caller reported that two […]

College News
The following students have been named to the Dean’s List of the University of Vermont, based in Burlington. To be name to the list, students must have a grade-point average of 3.0 or better and rank in the top 20 percent of their class in their respective college or school. Kyle Cyr of Chester Marjorie […]

Facebook’s making it harder to see The Chester Telegraph; here’s what to do
By Cynthia Prairie 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Facebook has never been the best way to receive news since, over the years, it altered users’ algorithms to limit how much they see in their News Feeds. Then just a week ago, Facebook announced that it would show users more posts from friends and family while hiding […]

Ret. Sgt. Carl Bailey, 70, Londonderry native was dedicated to State Police
Carl E. “Buck” Bailey, 70, of Cocoa, Fla., passed away on Jan. 15, 2018. He was born on Oct. 28, 1947 to Carlin and Norma Bailey of Londonderry, Vt. Mr. Bailey died peacefully at home, with his wife Paulette Picard by his side. Born and raised in Londonderry, everyone knew Mr. Bailey as “Buck.” He […]

Chester Chatter: TV changed the channels of our lives
By Ruthie Douglas © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC When I was 10 years old, my family got our first television set. Out the door went the Philco radio and in its place a large wooden cabinet of polished wood and a round glass TV screen. At the hardware store, my mother bought a piece of […]

Troopers arrest one, seek a second suspect in Mt. Holly home invasion
Vermont State Police are looking for a suspect in a home invasion that took place Sunday night in Mount Holly. According to a press release, troopers from the Rutland barracks were called to a house on Old Turnpike Road just before midnight for a report a home invasion in progress. The caller reported that two […]

Doughnuts with citrus: spice and everything nice
By Jim Bailey A hint of citrus, a mouthful of pumpkin and a doughnut you can feel good about. These baked doughnuts hold up just as well as deep-fried doughnuts and are an outstanding example of how every little bit of consciousness when easing our fat consumption can be remarkably tasty. You will be […]

Henry Homeyer: Mark your calendars for spring flower shows
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Each winter, just as I am about to give up on life in the North Country and move to an island in the Caribbean, I am saved by the arrival of the spring flower shows. If you think that life is nothing but shoveling walks and wearing […]

With little enthusiasm, GMUSD board sends budget to voters
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Green Mountain Unified School District board moved ahead in fits and starts Wednesday night, approving a budget proposal that a number of members were not happy with while Superintendent Meg Powden repeatedly sounded “retreat,” promising just such an extended board session “sooner than later” to sort […]

Weston Liquor Board, Select Board agendas for Jan. 23, 2018
The Liquor Control Board for the Town of Weston will meet at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at Town Office, Lawrence Hill Road, followed at 7:30 p.m. by the Select Board meeting. Below are its agendas. Liquor Control Board agenda 1. Any Requested Changes to the Liquor Control Board Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Jan. 22, 2018
The Andover Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 22 at the Town Office, 953 Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from Jan. 8 meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, […]