Archive for January, 2018

Grafton Select Board agenda for Jan. 22, 2018
The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 22 at Grafton Garage, 220 Bell St. Below is its agenda. 1. Adopt Agenda 2. Approve Minutes: Jan. 2, 2018 & Jan. 12, 2018 3. Highway Report 4. Sullivan & Powers 5. Assistant Town Administrator 6. Review Road Crew Contacts (Pagers) 7. Excess […]

Log truck-plow crash temporarily closes I-91; no life-threatening injuries
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A tractor-trailer truck carrying logs on I-91 collided with a VTrans plow truck Wednesday evening shutting down the highway completely for about 20 minutes and one northbound lane of the highway for several hours. There were no life-threatening injuries in the accident. According to Vermont State Police, […]

Joint Cavendish/Chester school board meeting turns on issues of transparency, trust
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC At a meeting of the Cavendish Town Elementary School Board – on its own and in a joint session with the Chester-Andover Elementary School on Tuesday night – a number of Cavendish residents expressed misgivings about the intentions of administration of the new school district. Their suspicions […]

Mark Pluff, 56, devoted to daughter, family and friends, an avid sports, muscle car fan
Mark Pluff , 56 , of Jamaica, Vt., passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, Jan. 13, 2018. He was the son of Mary Pluff of Canaan, Conn., and the late Robert E. Pluff. He attended Bement School in Deerfield, Mass., the Stratton School in Stratton, Vt., and graduated from Leland & Gray High School in 1980. […]

Chester DRB agenda for Monday, Jan. 22, 2018
The Development Review Board for the town of Chester will meet for a site visit at 60 Vt. Route 103 at 4 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 22, prior to its 6 p.m. public hearing at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1) Review minutes from Jan. 8,2018 meeting 2) Comments from citizens […]

Weston to email, mail tax reminders; board mulls parking ordinance revamp
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston property taxpayers will receive at least three reminders of the date that their property taxes are due, the Select Board decided at its meeting last week, Jan. 9. Those reminders will be sent out by email as well as through the Post Office. That due date will […]

GMUSD Finance Committee meeting agenda for Jan. 17, 2018
The Finance Committee of the Green Mountain Unified School District will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 5 p.m. in the Green Mountain Union High School Library Learning Commons. Below is its agenda: I. Call to order A. Roll Call B. Approval of Agenda C. Approval of Minutes – i. Minutes […]

Seeking petitions, Derry board rejects four funding requests
By Bruce Frauman ©2018-Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Jan. 8 went through the list of appropriation requests to be voted on from the floor as it prepared for the March Town Meeting. Four organizations requesting money from the town were denied a spot on the warning by the Select Board unless they […]

College News
Emma Hallett of South Londonderry and Alecia Rokes of Andover have made the Dean’s List for the fall 2017 semester at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa. This status is granted to students who earned a scholastic average of 3.6 or better while carrying at least 12 hours of regularly graded courses. Kyle White of Springfield […]

Cavendish Elementary School board meeting agenda for Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018
The Cavendish Elementary School board will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 5:30 p.m. followed by a meeting with the Chester-Andover Elementary School board at 6:15 p.m. The agenda is below: I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda-Additions and Deletions Action III. Minutes: a. Minutes of December 19, 2017-Regular Meeting Action […]

Chester-Andover Elementary School Board meeting agenda for Jan. 16, 2018
Chester-Andover Elementary School will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 5:30 p.m. followed by a meeting with the Cavendish Town Elementary Board at 6:15 p.m. The agenda is below: I. Call to Order II. Approval of CAES Agenda-Additions and Deletions III. Approval of minutes: a. Minutes November 13, IV. Communications: a. Written/Oral; […]

Magic Mountain attendance on pace to break records
Frigid winter weather hasn’t kept skiers away from Magic Mountain, which is on pace to break the record for a season since it reopened in 1997, its owners say. Magic saw a 25 percent increase in skier visits during the 2017 Christmas holiday over the Londonderry ski area’s prior best Christmas week in 2010. The […]

Chester Select Board mulls budget priorities, asks departments for cuts
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC With a short schedule for getting a budget approved and sent to the printer ahead of Town Meeting Day in March, the Chester Select Board met on Monday Jan. 8 to review its 2018 numbers with an eye toward reducing an overall increase of $242,986. In a […]

Special meeting of Green Mountain Unified School District Jan. 17, 2018
A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Green Mountain Unified School District of Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2018 at the GMUHS Library Learning Commons. Below is its agenda. I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda III. New Business: a. FY2018-19 […]

Wise Money: Create a healthy relationship with money
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2018-Telegraph Publishing LLC Here are six steps for a healthy relationship with your money. Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst We go through many tough experiences in life, most of which are not our fault: job loss, unforeseen illness, accidents, etc. Unfortunate circumstances happen – be prepared […]

Op-ed: As new unified school district gets under way, board needs to listen closely to parents, families and teachers
Editor’s note: Chester resident Sue Willis wrote this open letter to the new Green Mountain Unified School District Board. By Sue Willis ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC After sitting through the meeting of the Green Mountain Unified School District Board last Tuesday evening, I was compelled to write a letter to all members regarding some of […]

Chester Chatter: Down hill to downtown; up hill home
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC When I was growing up in Springfield, I could not leave my house without going down a hill and returning back up a hill. Every day that was true just to go to school. Often times, it was true for at least a couple of times a day. […]

A pie worth breaking your New Year’s resolutions
By Jim Bailey Reminiscent of pecan pie, this recipe is far and away better flavored and filled with chocolate. One look at the crispy, toasted, and decadent topping that literally crackles as you cut it, it will soon become a household favorite. There really isn’t anything one can do about the sweetness of this […]

An ice sculpture grows in Popple Dungeon
The recent low temperatures have given Peter Delaney’s annual free form ice sculpture a great start on the winter. Each year, Delaney, who lives in the 2000-block of Popple Dungeon, constructs a frame to support a garden hose that gets water – gravity fed – from up the hill. This year, he say, he built […]

Henry Homeyer: A view to improve your white winterscape
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC During hard winters like this, when we tend to be somewhat housebound, it’s important to have a landscape that we can enjoy from indoors. When I first gardened, I only grew vegetables and flowers, which disappear from view in winter. But now I delight in growing trees […]