Archive for March, 2018

Bellows Falls man leads VSP on high speed chase
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Bellows Falls man led Vermont State Police on a harrowing car chase that at times exceded 100 mph along the two-lane Route 5 and through the towns of Rockingham, Westminster and Putney before pulling over with just one tire in tact in the town of Rockingham […]

GMUSD ‘Vision Committee’ switches focus Administrators push board away from Act 46 promises
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC When the Green Mountain Unified School District board met on March 21, members pondered the reasons that voters in Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester rejected its budget on Town Meeting Day and concluded that they needed to go back to the promises of greater educational opportunities for […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 4, 2018
The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. 1. Approval of Minutes from the March 15, 2018 Special Selectboard Meeting and March 15, 2018 Executive Session and March 21, 2018 Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen’s Comments 3. Salvage Yard […]

Grafton Select Board agenda for April 2, 2018
The Grafton Select Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, April 2 at the Grafton Garage, Town Garage, 220 Bell St. Below is its agenda. 1. Adopt Agenda 2. Approve Minutes: March 5, 2018 and March 14, 2018 3. Warrants, as signed, presented to Select Board 4. Highway Report Annual Financial Plan (sign certification) […]

30 contestants vie for LEGO awards in Chester
Thirty entrants, from 11 Vermont and two New Hampshire towns competed in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church’s annual LEGO Contest at the NewsBank conference on Saturday March 17. The young engineers created some fabulous constructions that were judged by Chester residents David Carey, Doug Edson and Everett Mosher, Andrew Pennell of Rockingham and Gurion Lake of […]

Chester Village Master Plan wins merit award Vt. landscape architects recognize SE Group's work in Chester
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Vermont chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects announced that the SE Group of Burlington will be given a Merit Award in the category of Planning and Analysis for its work on the Chester Village Master Plan. Asked to comment on the award on Wednesday, […]

Chester board briefed on garage replacement Emergency services building, tree-lined streets discussed
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its regular meeting on Wednesday, March 21, the Chester Select Board considered updates on two projects: a feasibility study for the replacement of the Town Garage with a new garage and an emergency services building and a canopy management plan to “re-establish Chester’s tree-lined streets.” Architects […]

Ed Brown to put Mill Tavern in Derry up for sale After 50 years, owner says he's closing restaurant
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC After 50 years, Ed Brown intends to put his Londonderry restaurant, the Mill Tavern, up for sale after he serves the last guests when he closes the restaurant up for the season on Saturday, March 31. While an old looking for sale sign hangs on the inside front […]

Opening of Corner Market in S. Derry delayed
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The birth of a baby and frozen pipes have delayed by months the opening of the Corner Market & Deli, which is moving into the space at Middletown Road and Main Street in South Londonderry once occupied by The Pantry. Owner Jason O’Connor, who with his mother Terri […]

VSP seeks help in Grafton burglary
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC According to a VSP press release, sometime between March 26 and the evening of March 27 2018, burglars stole several pieces of equipment from the Accardo home on Cabell Road in Grafton. Scott Accardo told police that a Yamaha 100 cc dirt bike, white Polaris Predator 90 cc 4-wheeler and […]

Community notes Main Street Arts seeks items; Cavendish Fund seeks applicants; display at Rock library; Okemo raises funds
Main Street Arts seeks donations and vendors for tag sale Spring clean then donate or rent a space to get rid of your useable items while supporting Main Street Arts. A local arts non-profit, MSA is accepting items for its annual Art, Antiques & Artifacts Sale. The event and donation drop-off is at the Main […]

New TRSU school boards meet on budgets GM dismisses proposal; Ludlow-Mt. Holly OKs its for vote
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last week saw both of the new Two Rivers Supervisory Union districts formed under Act 46 meet to discuss their budgets. The Ludlow-Mt. Holly Unified Union School district board approved a budget to send to the voters of those towns while the Green Mountain Unified School District […]

Telegraph Poll: Why did you vote against the GMUSD budget?
The Green Mountain Unified School District Board is revisiting the budget that was voted down by residents in Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester and has questioned why it failed. The Telegraph wants to give you the opportunity to say why you voted against it. (You can also choose multiple answers.)

Commentary: Rep. Bock on gun, tax measures
By Rep. Tom Bock The school shooting in Florida plus the incident at Fair Haven High School right here in Vermont has brought the need for immediate attention to be paid to gun violence. Gov. Phil Scott had already outlined an action plan to improve school safety and reduce gun violence. The gun violence prevention […]

Belmont General Store in Mt. Holly broken into $1,000 in cigarettes stolen in weekend heist
Someone broke into the Belmont General Store in Mt. Holly around 11:50 p.m. on Saturday, according to Vermont State Police, who were called to the store around 7 a.m. on Monday. Following an investigation, police said that the perpetrator is a male, who smashed the front door glass to enter the store. He then made […]

William R. Guy, 79, owner of Idlenot Restaurants
William R. Guy of North Springfield died March 23, 2018 peacefully at his home after a courageous battle with cancer. Mr. Guy was born Nov. 26, 1939 in Lebanon, Maine, to Eugene N. and Zelma (Nichols) Guy. Following the death of his father in 1945, Mr. Guy, his mother and brother moved to Alton, N.H. […]

Easter events: March 28 through April 1, 2018
March 28: St. Luke’s Church Seder Meal, Easter schedule St. Luke’s Church, 313 Main St. in Chester, celebrates a traditional Seder Meal at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28 in Willard Hall. The evening’s service, the Haggadah, includes songs, readings and responses, along with explanations of the various symbolic foods that tell the Exodus story. […]

Chester Chatter: Easter dress-up and bunnies
By Ruthie Douglas © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Easter, when I was growing up, always meant coloring eggs the day before. My mother bought a dozen eggs each for my sister and me. She laid out newspaper on the kitchen table to catch the mess and spills. Several colors were mixed up with a single […]

Potatoes + chocolate = classic Maine Needhams
By Jim Bailey One average sized white potato should do the trick for this delightfully sweet Maine original. It’s one of those sweet treats whose sugary nature is slightly masked by the addition of potatoes, but without losing its allure. The origin of Needhams? Do I really need to tell you what the children said […]

UPDATE: I-91 Rockingham Bridge construction
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Vermont Agency of Transportation is replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of March 26, 2018. I-91 NORTHBOUND & SOUTHBOUND ARE REDUCED TO ONE LANE WITHIN THE CONSTRUCTION […]