Proposed brewpub asks Cavendish Select Board to help speed permits

By Shawn Cunningham
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC

On Monday night, developers of a proposed brewpub in Proctorsville asked the Cavendish Select Board for help in expediting their permit process so they can open their doors by Thanksgiving. Outer Limits Brewery General Manager Steve Shaw told the board that if the project can’t be opened by the 2018-2019 ski season, it can’t be “economically viable.”

Gail Henderson-King displays the site plan of the proposed Outer Limits brewpub. Photos by Shawn Cunningham

Gail Henderson King of the real estate consulting firm White+Burke based in Burlington presented phased plans for the brewery on the Proctorsville Green.

In Phase One, the brewery would be set up for 1,500 barrels, which translates into 46,500 gallons per year. At that level, the wastewater or “first wash” would be stored in a tank, which would be pumped out weekly and shipped away for treatment. Brewery waste has a high “biochemical oxygen demand,” which means it takes a lot of oxygen to break down the organic material in it. Flushing that into Cavendish’s wastewater plant would interfere with normal sewage treatment.

The 1,500 barrel production level would be sufficient to serve the brew pub and some local distribution, according to Outer Limits brewer Wesley Tice. If the brewery is successful, it could increase to 5,000 barrels but would first construct a pre-treatment plant that would make it possible to flush it into the town’s wastewater system.

Select Board member George Timkin asked about the plumbing layout of the plant and what would happen with the solids. “All plumbing in the brew room leads to the underground tank and can’t go anywhere else,” said Tice. “The kitchen is a separate system. Two farms in the area will take the spent grain.”

Henderson-King said that the group hopes to expedite the completion of its permit applications and, to do that, asked for three things from the board.

The developers requested an easement for it to construct nine parking spaces on town property behind the building for employees and permission to make a payment of $3,000 to get a wastewater “allocation letter” needed for the permitting process. Henderson-King said the brewery will pay the balance of $17,000 when it comes to the town for a building permit.

Finally, the group asked that the board  “pre-authorize” the town manager or Select Board chair to sign as a co-applicant on a state stormwater permit if the brewery group finds that it can’t accomplish that on its own. The board said it could meet at fairly short notice if that was necessary.

Update on town projects

Shane Mullen of the engineering firm Weston & Sampson updated the board on the wastewater treatment facility’s aeration system, their portion of the Depot Street Bridge project and the site for the town garage, on Route 131 east of Cavendish.

Shane Mullen discusses the site placement of the new town garage with the Cavendish Select Board.

Mullen said the aeration project will include more efficient blowers that will use less power combined with stand mixers to incorporate air and sensors to help the plant operator know more precisely when aeration is needed.

Weston & Sampson is working on the removal and replacement of water mains on the Depot Street Bridge. Mullen discussed the idea of directional drilling under the river to place high density polyethelyne  pipe instead of using temporary pipe that would be replaced that later. One hitch that Mullen brought up was that VTrans reimbursements take six to eight weeks and unless the contractor is OK with the delay, the town may need to take out bridge financing to keep cash flowing to the project.

Finally, Mullen showed the board two sketches representing placement of the town garage. Board members and town staff asked questions and identified issues that should be taken into consideration. Assistant Town Manager Bruce McEnaney stressed that permitting needs to be done as soon as possible to get the construction done before next winter.

In other business

The board held its reorganization meeting, re-electing its officers and appointing town positions, most of which are being filled by incumbents. The office of energy coordinator was left vacant by the sudden death of former Town Manager Richard Svec and the board asked anyone interested in being appointed to that post to contact the town office at 226-7292.

Town Manager Brendan McNamara welcomed new Select Board member Sandra Russo. Referring to Svec’s death, McNamara thanked the board, town staff and the people of Cavendish for the tremendous outpouring of support during a difficult week.

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