Archive for April, 2018

A rich, chocolatey treat to satisfy that craving
By Jim Bailey I t’s hard to believe I have never used dried cherries before in fudge; time to make up for lost time! Using the remains of an opened can of evaporated skim milk made this a no-fail fudge. I wish I could tell you to lower the sugar content in this, but […]

Chester Chatter: In the company of young and old
By Ruthie Douglas © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Old time Chester was a hub of activity. There was always something to do, whether it be sports or of a more intellectual pursuit. During the winter months, the townspeople got involved with community plays and musical concerts. Many times, a troupe from Boston or New York […]

Henry Homeyer: Blooming indoors for sanity
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC I recently got a new tool that I’ve been using to pick stems of forsythia and pussy willows. Stems of spring-blooming shrubs put in a vase with water will bloom earlier inside than they would outside – and I’m ready for blossoms. Often the best buds are […]

Windstorm knocks out power across area Emergency responders, GMP pull all-nighter; restoration work expected to continue into weekend
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Winds with sustained speeds of up to 63 mph lashed Vermont overnight and into this morning, knocking down branches, trees and power lines and leaving thousands in the dark. As of 9 a.m. Thursday, 17,730 Green Mountain Power customers in 93 Vermont towns had no power. Closer […]

GMUSD Vision Committee agenda for April 9, 2018
The Vision Committee and Finance Committee of the Green Mountain Unified School District will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 9, 2018, at Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 Main St. in Chester. Below is its agenda. I. CALL TO ORDER a. Roll Call II. APPROVAL of AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Finance Committee: January […]

GM vision panel weighs planning vs. acting Act 46 'opportunities' seem out of reach for next school year
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC For the second time in a week, the group charged by the Green Mountain Union School District Board with examining a vision for its three schools to see what added educational opportunities could be included in the next school year was instead ankle deep in paper […]

Telegraph Business Ticker Fullerton Inn and Moon Dog on the move ...
By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing Fullerton Inn & Tavern closed for Spring Revitalization The Fullerton Inn and Tavern, at 40 the Common in Chester, has closed for a few weeks for what owners Bret and Nancy Rugg are calling “Spring Revitalization.” The inn will reopen for lunch at 11:30 to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, […]

Derry to pursue pilot sanitation project Platt properties are final FEMA flood mitigation projects
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday night approved a proposal from Planning Commission chair Sharon Crossman to write a letter of interest to the Rich Earth Institute and the Windham Regional Commission to be chosen for a Village Sanitation Pilot Project. The Select Board has been considering participating […]

College News
A new play titled Battles Lost and Won, by playwright and Elmira College Professor John J. Kelly, premiered on Friday, Feb. 23 at Elmira, performed by Elmira College students including Zekiel Cammarata of Springfield. The play is set in the American Southwest, after World War II veterans return from Europe. Their battles won, they now […]

To the editor: Watershed Alliance thanks communities for support
The Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance wants to sincerely thank the following communities and their citizens for supporting our efforts to monitor the waterways of our area: Brattleboro, Brookline, Dummerston, Jamaica, Londonderry, Newfane, Putney, Townshend and Wardsboro. Your support of our organization demonstrates your desire and commitment for our stream to be checked regularly throughout the […]

Commentary: Rep. Clarkson on gun safety, tech security bills
By Sen. Alison Clarkson Both bodies of the Vermont legislature have now passed three major measures to improve firearm safety in our state. These bills: S.221, H.422 and S.55 are designed to keep guns out of the hands of those who intend harm to themselves or others, domestic violence abusers, and those with a serious […]

Weston resident seeks formal name for driveway Select Board also discusses First Constable duties
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston resident David Chioffi sought permission from the Weston Select Board last Tuesday night to name his driveway, which lead to a 20-minute discussion and a promise to do more research. Chioffi told The Telegraph that his house, built in 1834, has always been known as Cascade Farm. He would […]

Make the most out of leftover Easter ham
By Jim Bailey A New England touch on a dish that is outrageously delicious, this one is a perfect addition to your recipe book. As mention below, cook ham steaks as is and after preparing sauce, simply spoon over the top. Once you taste this meal, it won’t matter one way or the other. […]

To the editor: Gun proliferation is part of problem
Gun rights advocates are fond of saying “guns don’t kill people, people do.” Presumably this means that someone who is intent upon committing murder or mayhem will always find a weapon of some sort and a way to use it. So, since guns are not the problem, there is no need to control access to […]

Chester Chatter: My Canadian grandfather
By Ruthie Douglas © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC My grandpa was born into a large family in Canada. Being the oldest child, he was bonded out to work at the age of 9. He worked on a farm and his pay went to his father. Grandpa slept in the barn, and it was clean and […]

Henry Homeyer: Oldies but goodies
By Henry Homeyer ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC As we lurch toward spring, I spend time thinking about my garden: What will come through this hard winter? What needs to be replaced? What new plants do I want to try? One thing is certain. My grandmother’s peony will survive, and I will feel blessed by its […]