Chicken breasts with Applejack sauce

By Jim Bailey

Serve this with some cheesy risotto or pile on some potato and macaroni salad while barbecuing outside with friends and family.

Applejack is simply an apple-flavored brandy, so any apple-tinted liqueur is perfectly suitable here, as well as hard apple cider or plain apple juice.

Chicken breast with Applejack sauce.

1 tablespoon pure olive oil
1 onion, minced
1 teaspoon minced garlic in oil
1 cup chili sauce
3/4 cup Applejack
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/4 cup molasses
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon dried mustard
Pinch dried ginger
6 chicken breast halves

Bring oil to shimmering hot over medium heat in a large saucepan. When hot, add onion and garlic, stirring to combine. Cook, while stirring frequently, until onions are soft, but not brown, about 3 to 4 minutes. Add remainder of ingredients, except chicken, stirring to combine well. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer until reduced to about 1 1/2 cups total liquid and thick.

When sauce is done, heat up barbecue grill and start cooking chicken over indirect heat. When you flip the chicken over the first time, start basting with Applejack sauce frequently. Continue basting both sides as you flip and cook (flipping chicken over numerous times does not toughen it, contrary to popular myth).

Serve chicken with additional sauce.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeThe Yankee Chef

About the Author: Jim Bailey is a third generation Yankee Chef, New England food historian and newspaper columnist. His first cookbook, simply titled The Yankee Chef, has been published. He welcomes all feedback, questions or comments at

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