Arts & Community Events: June 7-June 13, 2018
Susan Lampe-Wilson | Jun 04, 2018 | Comments 0
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703.
To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on Fridays to be eligible for publication the following week.

Choose a title with a number in it or one that is over 100-years-old
June 7: Springfield Library Challenge Book Group
The Springfield Town Library Challenge Book Group meets at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 7 at 43 Main St. in Springfield. The June challenge is to read a book with either a number in the title or a book written 100 or more years ago.Stop by to choose from the library display, browse the shelves, or read one of your own, then join the free group discussion.
Pre-registration is not required and newcomers are welcome. For more information, contact them at 802-885-3108 or
June 7: Schedule change for Rock Library’s Genealogy Group
On Thursday, June 7, Rockingham Library’s Genealogy Group meets at 1 p.m. instead of the regularly scheduled time of 10:30 a.m. This will be the last meeting of this group until Thursday, Sept. 6. This program is free and open to the public. For more information, call 802-463-4270, email or go to 7: Learn about stone wall building at Chester talk
The Rotary Club of Chester will host as its First Thursday speaker on June 7, Brian Post, executive director of The Stone Trust and a local stone wall builder and landscaper.The event is held at the Fullerton Inn, 40 The Common, just off The Green in Chester.
Post, a certified Stone Walling Association of Great Britain Master Craftsmen, will talk about the history of dry stone walling, information about The Stone Trust and its programs and basic knowledge of how-to build and evaluate stone walls.
The program starts at 5:15 p.m. and ends at 6:30 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres will be served and a cash bar is available. For planning purposes and for notification in case of inclement weather, please RSVP to
June 10: Contra Dance with BMC Celtic classes
Caller Adina Gordon teams up with the Brattleboro Music Center’s Celtic “mega band” for an event that is the culmination of the BMC Celtic classes’ year of work and a highlight of the center’s traditional music program. The dance is at 7 p.m. Sunday, June 10, at the Stone Church, 210 Main St., Brattleboro.All classes combine to perform for a year-end contra dance. Tickets are available at the door, and are $10 for adults, $8 for college students, and $5 for youth. For information and to purchase tickets visit BMC events.
Proceeds from ticket sales benefit Groundworks, which provides ongoing support to families and individuals facing a full continuum of housing and food insecurities in the greater Brattleboro area.
June 12: Concert showcases student ensembles
Brattleboro Music Center’s annual Spring Student Orchestras Concert is at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12, at 72 Blanche Moyse Way in Brattleboro.
This free concert represents a finale for the year and includes all levels of student ensembles, as well as the Brattleboro Area Middle School Strings program. For information, visit its website.
Call 802-257-4523 for more information.
June 13: ‘Anne of Green Gables’ performed at Walker Farm
Anne of Green Gables begins its two-week run through June 30 at the Weston Playhouse’s Second Stage at Walker Farm, 705 Main St. in Weston, with the cast of this year’s Young Company.
The heroine of L.M. Montgomery’s beloved novel, Anne Shirley, is a spunky, red-headed orphan sent to live with a farmer and his sister on Prince Edward Island. The only problem? They thought they were adopting a boy! Through Anne’s adventures (and misadventures) she wins their hearts and discovers the true meaning of family, friendship, and home.
The hourlong show begins at 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays with a 1 p.m. show on Saturdays. Tickets are $10 for children, $20 for adults. For more information, click here.
For a complete listing of events, please see The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
Filed Under: Community & Arts in Brief • Community and Arts Life
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