Derry groups aid food pantry; Rockingham Meetinghouse opens for season

Londonderry groups join to aid food pantry

On Saturday, May 26, Nordic Harmoni and the Londonderry-based Wantastiquet Rotary sponsored a joint food drive for the local food pantry, the Neighbors Pantry, which is open from 1 to 4 p.m. on the third Friday of each month at the Second Congregational Church on Main Street in Londonderry.

Thanks to the generosity of residents and visitors the two local clubs were able to collect over 30 boxes of food and personal items. In addition, $320 was given in cash donations for the pantry.

Rockingham Meetinghouse opens for season

The Rockingham Meetinghouse opened for the season and welcomes visitors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily through Columbus Day Monday, Oct. 8. The meetinghouse is located off Vermont Route 103 on Meetinghouse Road in Rockingham.

The Rockingham Meeting House

Constructed in the 18th century, the meetinghouse is the oldest public building in Vermont that exists in a condition close to its original state. It has been designated a national historic landmark.

The building served as both a place of worship and the town hall until 1869, and was then abandoned for several decades. In 1906 the building was restored to its current state during one of the earliest historic preservation projects in Vermont.

It is owned by the town of Rockingham and is operated as a museum, with docents offering additional information about the architecture and history of the building.

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