Community & Arts events: June 13-June 18, 2018
Susan Lampe-Wilson | Jun 11, 2018 | Comments 0
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703.
To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on Fridays to be eligible for publication the following week.
June 13: Whiting Library’s 2018 Summer Unplugged Program
Whiting Library presents Grafton Nature Museum’s 2018 Summer Unplugged Program on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the library at 117 Main St. in Chester. Learn about animals and other creatures’ through stories and crafts.
There are other pollinators in addition to bees
Wednesday, June 13
Pollinators the Unsung Heroes. What is a pollinator? Bees are not the only pollinators, other pollinators include butterflies, moths, other insects, birds, and bats. Discover something new about native pollinators.
Wednesday, June 20
World of Owls – What’s All the Hoot About? Discover how owls hunt, and what owls call New England home. Hear a story, see and touch real owl bio-facts, and make an owl-themed craft.
For more information visit or call 802-875-2277. Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Learn about the guitar’s effect on history
June 14: How the Guitar Conquered America program
Springfield Town Library’s annual Adult Summer Reading program’s theme is “Libraries Rock.”The library kicks it off with the Vermont Humanities Council program, “How the Guitar Conquered America” at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 14 at the First Congregational Church, 77 Main St. in Springfield. Tim Brookes uses demonstrations, displays, and slides to touch on the rise of technologies, which speak to the guitar’s importance in defining national, ethnic, and regional identity.
Sponsored by The Friends of the Springfield Town Library and the Town of Springfield, this program is free, accessible to people with disabilities, and open to the public. For more information, contact the library at 802-885-3108 or
June 15: Enrollment deadline for Broadway Theatre Camp
The Weston Playhouse Theatre Company’s Broadway Theatre Camp’s registration is underway for students in grades 9 through 12 and graduating seniors. BTC is produced in collaboration with the Creative Arts Department at Burr and Burton Academy and held at their impressive theatre and dance facilities in Manchester.
Broadway Theatre Camp students take the Main Stage at Weston Playhouse. Photo by Tim Fort.
The program offers high school students with an interest in musical theater an opportunity to learn what it takes to be a Broadway performer. In a challenging yet supportive environment, students receive instruction from Broadway and national artists and gain skills that will help them in all aspects of performance from rehearsal to stage in two weeks.
This year participants enroll in one or two weeks of camp. Week 1 is a “West Side Story” Workshop from Monday to Friday, July 16 to 20. Week 2 is a Musical Theatre Intensive from Monday to Friday, July 23 to 27. Broadway Theatre Camp runs Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; there is a tuition discount available if attending both weeks. Enrollment ends June 15.
For more information or to register, contact Weston Director of Education/Artistic Associate Piper Goodeve at or visit
June 16: Cristina Nieto Lewis art reception at the Winhall Library
The Winhall Memorial Library displays the artwork of Cristina Nieto Lewis for the month of June. They host an artist’s reception from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 16. Meet the artist and share in some refreshments.The exhibit is at Winhall Memorial Library, 2 Lower Taylor Hill Road in Bondville.
Any questions, email or call 802-297-9741. Visit their website at for the latest events, news, new books, and movies.
June 17: Hike Bromley Mountain from the South
The Green Mountain Club Manchester Section invite hikers to meet at 9 a.m. on Sunday, June 17 at Vermont Route 11/30 Long Trail/Appalachian Trail parking. Hike to the summit of Bromley Mountain and back via the Long Trail. Total distance of 6 miles and 1,460-foot elevation gain, moderate hike. Bring extra layer, raincoat (just in case), fluids, snacks and lunch. RSVP required. Contact leader Katie Brooks at or 516-978-4016.June 18: Chester Det. Andy Brothers at senior luncheon
The Chester Senior Citizens Club hold its monthly luncheon meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, June 18, at the Chester Congregational Church on 469 Main St. in Chester. Chester Police Det. Andy Brothers will provide some tips on how to stay safe when living alone. If you need a ride, call Georgia 802-875-6242.For a complete listing of events, please see The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
Filed Under: Community & Arts in Brief • Community and Arts Life
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