Police track down ‘snorting’ truck driver

By Shawn Cunningham
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Anyone listening to a police scanner this morning had to do an aural double take at one Vermont State Police “BOL.”

Keith Kelsey

At about 10:30 a.m. Monday dispatchers issued a “be on the lookout” for a rental box truck on I-91 southbound. That was not unusual in itself, but according to an Agency of Transportation employee who had been in the truckstop off the highway in Springfield, the box truck driver had snorted a line of what the AOT employee thought was cocaine before driving onto the interstate.

According to a VSP press release, a DMV inspector stopped the truck just 3 miles from the Massachusetts border. The driver, Keith Kelsey, 46 of Wolcott, Conn., was screened by police for signs of impairment.

They concluded that he was under the influence of drugs and a search of the truck turned up a misdemeanor amount of heroin.  Kelsey was cited for DUI drugs and possession of heroin and released. He is due to answer the charges in Windham Superior Court on Tuesday Aug. 14.

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