Archive for June, 2018

Chester Select Board adopts junk ordinance Hopes for neighborly proding instead of enforcement
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Agreeing that it was better to get something on the books and “tweak it later,” the Chester Select Board adopted a wide ranging ordinance to control the accumulation of junk on properties throughout the town. Although the ordinance was approved on a unanimous vote, many expressed concerns […]

Andover board OKs energy section for Town Plan Car sales proposal stymies Route 11 business project
By Neil B. Thorley ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Andover Select Board adopted an Enhanced Energy Plan presented by Joe Fromberger, who sits on the Andover Zoning Board of Adjustment, during Monday’s meeting. The Enhanced Energy Plan now becomes part of the Andover Town Plan, which still has to be approved by the voters. Fromberger […]

TRSU exec committee holds last meeting Defers spending approval, Powden evaluation for new board
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its last meeting before disbanding, the Two Rivers Supervisory Union Executive Committee on Thursday declined to approve a number of administration requests including TRSU job descriptions, a curriculum management program and other purchases totaling $130,000 – one of which had been removed from the SU budget […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for June 21, 2018
The Planning Commission of Chester will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 21, at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. The commission’s regular meetings are on Monday nights. Below is its agenda. 1) Review minutes from June 4th meetings 2) Citizen comments 3) Continue discussing Energy Plan with Jason Rasmussen. 4) Set date for next meeting.

To the editor: Vote Stern for governor, for schools
According to the chief education bureaucrat in Montpelier — Gov. Phil Scott — in 1997, there were 104,000 students in Vermont’s preK-12 schools. Today, Vermont has 75,000 students. That number is predicted to fall to 69,000 in the next five years and, by 2030, fall again to 65,000. 1997 was the year that ACT 60, […]

Chester Rotary awards 5 GM grads scholarships
The Chester Rotary Club has awarded scholarships to five students graduating from Green Mountain Union High School. Rotary Scholarship winners who are receiving $1,000 each include Sadie Wood, of Cavendish, who will be attending Duke University; Ben Haseltine, of Chester, who will be attending the University of Hartford; Sierra Kehoe, who will be attending the […]

Business events: June 13-June 15, 2018
For a complete listing of events, please see The Chester Telegraph Calendar. June 13: Webinar explores business ownership At 1 p.m. on Wednesday, June 13, the Small Business Administration holds a webinar about the basics of starting a business. The topics include financing options, market research, business plans and other resources available to launch a […]

Community & Arts events: June 13-June 18, 2018
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Weston Select Board agenda for June 12, 2018
The Select Board of the town of Weston will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12 at Town Offices, 12 Lawrence Hill Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Any Requested Changes to the Agenda: 2. Public Comment: 3. Road Foreman: 4. Senior Solutions: 5. Appoint Full Member to Planning Commission: 6. Support Planning Commission […]

3 organizations award 11 seniors scholarships
Andover Project gives out 4 scholarships The Andover Project Committee, which has been offering first-year college/university scholarships to qualified Andover student residents since the mid-1990s, announces awards to four students this year. Each student will receive $1,000. Recipients are: Ava Hill, who will be attending Trinity College in Hartford, Conn.; Owen Massey, who will […]

College News
The following students have been named to the Dean’s List of Champlain College in Burlington for achieving a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in the spring 2018 semester. Ian Kehoe of Chester. Joshua Sherman of Springfield. Dean College, located in Franklin, Mass., announces that Catherine Sikes of Londonderry has earned a place on […]

Chester Chatter: When communication is key
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC What if native Americans had had modern-day communications at their disposal? If they had had a website, a computer handy, well how different would our world and nation be today? In my opinion, the native Americans were unable to communicate with Europeans and with many tribes of different […]

Cheese filled meatballs with a colorful hue
By Jim Bailey Smoky melted cheese oozing from the inside of a superior-spiced meatball; and all this with a punch of blueberry and hot peppers. These “Purple Cow” meatballs will outshine the popular grape jelly meatballs without the jolt of sugar-loaded jelly. How did these get their name? The glaze is on the dark […]

Henry Homeyer: 3 keys to a successful garden
By Henry Homeyer ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Being a great gardener is pretty simple. Know what your plants need in terms of sun, soil and water. Do that, and make adjustments as necessary, and your plants will thrive. Of course, that is often easier said than done. Sunshine Sunshine is what drives plant growth. Vegetables […]

UPDATE: I-91 rolling roadblocks all next week Times and durations may vary
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Vermont Agency of Transportation is replacing the bridges on I-91 over the Williams River in Rockingham. The projected completion date is May 18, 2020. Here is the anticipated construction schedule for the week of June 11, 2018. I-91 NORTHBOUND & SOUTHBOUND IS REDUCED TO ONE LANE WITH NO SHOULDERS […]

Andover Select Board agenda for June 11, 2018
The Select Board of the town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 11 at Town Offices, 953 Andover-Weston Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from May 28th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five […]

CFD color guard to present at Fenway tonight
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Fire Department’s color guard will present the colors before the Boston Red Sox take on the Chicago White Sox tonight at Fenway Park in Boston. The members of the color guard appearing tonight are: Amber Wilson (Ax) Ben Whalen (American Flag) Mark Verespy (Vermont Flag) Jim Ravlin (Chester […]

Public invited to meet CTES principal candidates Final two from field of 17 to be available on Monday
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Members of the community will get a chance to hear from and ask questions of the finalists for the principal position at Cavendish Town Elementary School on Monday evening, June 11, 2018. According to a press release from the Two Rivers Supervisory Union, the search committed has selected two finalists […]

Police seek information in trespassing case
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Vermont State Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a man in a trespassing complaint. According to a press release, on May 21st, 2018 police received a complaint of a man trespassing on private property in the area of Missing Link and Alden Roads in the Town […]

Derry board to consider roads work bids Health officer hopes to compile community contact list
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC With four contractors looking on, Londonderry Select Board chair Jim Ameden read aloud six bids for road repair and paving projects at Monday’s board meeting. He also said that he and Road Foreman Mathew Rawson would review the bids before making a recommendation to the board. A special […]