2nd Congo Church in Derry to celebrate 150th;
Race for Cure seeks volunteers

Second Congregational church pastor the Rev Laurie Krooss, right, and secretary Ann Garrett mount the banner on the front church entrance.

The banner is up in the front of the Second Congregational Church in Londonderry to announce the church’s 150th anniversary to be held during its 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 19 worship service and Picnic at Pingree Park.

All current members, past members, clergy, supporters and friends are invited to celebrate with worship, food and games.  Aug. 19 will be a day long kick off to the year that will reflect the event of 1868 when the church was formed.

Vermont Race for Cure
seeks volunteers

The 26th Annual Komen Vermont Race for the Cure, which takes place this year at Riley Rink at Hunter Park, in Manchester Center, on Saturday, July 21, needs volunteers.

Members of the Burnham family have been volunteers at the Komen Vermont Race for the Cure for many years.

Volunteers come in all ages, shapes, sizes, colors and genders and their tasks can range from selling raffle tickets for a few hours to helping direct traffic or handing out water on race day.

And there is set up the morning prior to the race, Friday, July 20, when many helping hands will be needed as well.

Are you a high school or college student who needs community service hours? We’ll happily complete the forms post-event.

Anyone who would like to help out should download a Volunteer Sign-Up form by clicking here komennewengland.org or by emailing Linda Maness at RaceVT@KomenNewEngland.org or call her at the Race office at 802-362-2733.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

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