New board installed at Family Center;
new presidents for Chester, Ludlow Rotaries;
Jack Menzie honored with Paul Harris award
Press release | Jul 02, 2018 | Comments 0
New board at Chester-Andover Family Center
At its annual meeting in June, the Board of Directors of the Chester-Andover Family Center elected a new slate of officers to lead the center over the next year.
Billy Bob was the winner of the 2017 hot dog cookoff which benefited the Family Center.
Stephanie Mahoney was elected president; Kris Winnicki was chosen as vice president; Georgia Ethier was elected as secretary; Mariette Bock was elected treasurer and Suellen Slater was chosen as assistant treasurer.
Ginger Roper, Mariette Bock and Kris Winnicki have been named as the new Thrift Shop Management Team. The Thrift Shop does not anticipate major changes at this time and will maintain regular hours of operation: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays.
Summer clothing and household items for warm weather entertaining and camping are in stock and all purchases help stock the Food Shelf and maintain the Financial Assistance Program that helps families with heat, electricity, rent and other expenses.
The community can support Family Center programs by participating in the Stone Hearth Inn Hot Dog Cook Off Fundraiser from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12. You can find out more about the cook off and many other events by checking out the Chester Telegraph Calendar of Events.
Dakin tapped as Chester Rotary president
Chester Rotary, a robust group of service-minded members, meets Thursdays at the Fullerton Inn, 40 the Common.
Anyone who might be interested in participating in Rotary activities or learning more about Rotary should call Bill Dakin at 802-875-4000.
Ludlow Rotary celebrates women
as co-presidents take over

From left, outgoing President Suzanne Garvey, and incoming co-Presidents Sharon Bixby, Mary K. Crowley, and Barbara LeMire, who is also the first woman to join the club.
It is particularly noteworthy as Rotary enters its 30th year of women in Rotary.
The new year’s presidency will consist of Sharon Bixby, Mary K. Crowley, Barbara LeMire, Brigid Sullivan and Jill Humpfer Tofferi.
LRC meets for lunch on most Tuesdays at 12:15 pm at DJ’s Restaurant. If you would like to attend a meeting and learn how you may serve in the Rotary while enjoying the fellowship of others, contact any Rotarian or drop a note to Ludlow Rotary, P.O. Box 216, Ludlow, VT.
Jack Menzie receives Paul Harris Fellow Award

Jack Menzie, right, and Melina Menzie.
Menzie joined the LRC in January 2015, having been involved with Rotary in two previous locations. As with all new members, Menzie immediately became a member of our Penny Sale committee. Menzie then became chair of the club’s bike climb, co-chair of the membership committee and served on the LRC Board of Directors.
Menzie and his wife Melina will soon be moving south. Always pleasant and engaged, Menzie willingly took on additional tasks. His sense of humor, Rotary knowledge and friendship will be a loss to the club and community, members say.
LRC meets for lunch on most Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. at DJ’s Restaurant in Ludlow. If you would like to attend, drop a note to Ludlow Rotary, PO Box 216, Ludlow, VT.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Community • People
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.